Inauguration of D’Raja Nusantara 2017-2018

D’Raja Nusantara is a committee of Raja-Diraja of Indonesia, Brunei, Philippines, Malaysia and it is involved 5 Maharaja, 46 Raja-raja & Sultan, Ketua Utama and 50 Dato Seri & Dato-dato etc.


The Nusantara Committee has to responsiblity to revitalize and growth up the economic and trades of East Asean.


The Maharaja of Kutai Mulawarman Prof. Dr.Hc. Maharaja Srinala Pradita Alpiansyahrechza Fachlevie Wangsawarman. Ph.D. had been elected to be the Yang Dipertuan Agung D’Raja Nusantara at the same day.


The Raja of Wakatobi is been subordinate to the Kerajaan of Kutai Mulawarman on the day and few of meritorious persons is been awarded certificate for their achievement in the event.