The Royal Recognition from Kerajaan Kutai Mulawarman
By the grace of God Almighty
His Iperial Majesty
Prof. Dr. M.S.P.A. Iansyah Rechza. F.W, Ph.D
Sovereign Emperor Kingdom of Kutai Mulawarman
By the grace of God Almighty
His Iperial Majesty
Prof. Dr. M.S.P.A. Iansyah Rechza. F.W, Ph.D
Sovereign Emperor Kingdom of Kutai Mulawarman
Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sripaduka Baginda Berdaulat Agung
Maharaja Srinala Praditha Alpiansyah Rechza Fachlevie Wangsawarman
Yang Dipertuan Agung Maharaja Kutai Mulawarman
Hi!!! Citizens Listen!!! That independence is the right of all nations, so colonialism over the world must be abolished. Eternal Peace, Justice, and Humanity, Must Be Upheld For That The Citizens Of The World Nation Must Be Subject To Customary Sovereignty Which Is The Law Of Life Of Human Beings Who Have Belief In One God. Whoever in this Pana world, violates customs, overthrows the Word of Persada, Mother Earth, destroys the order of life of creatures in the universe, no law is ever able to bind him except the law of life, namely custom, which is the following law implied in the karma of life. Therefore, religion as a teaching guide for the joints of life is a belief in one God, it is obligatory for humans to respect each other and respect each other.
First: That God Almighty, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful As the Creator-Ruler of the Universe, the Most Planner, has bestowed upon the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, namely the creation of Eternal Peace for the Whole World.
Second: The Great Gift That One Homeland-Nation-Language of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia on the basis of the Youth Oath and the Proclamation and the Result of the Agreement of the Kings of the Kingdoms and the Sultans of the Sultanate-Sultanates, Has a Long Historical Heritage Inheritance Covering the Archipelago’s Compound Civilizations , With Benoa-Water Territory Space, Various Indigenous Spiritual Cultures of the Archipelago Like Emeralds on the Earth’s Equator.
Third: That the Earth is a living being inhabited by 7 billion humans is just a point in the universe created by God Almighty, while humans are only a dot on the earth, even though humans are civilized legal beings who must be responsible as human beings as leaders in the lives of others in the world. The Earth Is Experiencing Global Warming.
Fourth: That the Correlation of Indonesia’s Transition Disorder Crisis in the Global International Disorder World in the Fields of Politics, Economy, Finance, Energy, Food, Security, World Peace.
Fifth: Building Civilized, Customary Citizens of the Nation, Namely Legal Beings Who Are Answered In a Firmly Sustainable Way Is an Urgent Need for an Integral Part of Joint Efforts as a Prerequisite for the Successful Development of National Identity and Personality in the World.
Proclaim the Resolution: “The Cultural Contract of Indigenous Peoples of the Archipelago” With Human Feelings, Love for Their Creators and Others, Then the Revolution of the Purely Clean Human Heart As a Source of Energy as Wide as Heaven and Earth To Become a Fire of Life That Enlightens the Integrity and Future of the Indonesian Nation. So from that, whoever reads, hears the words of this Panditha, it is obligatory for him to protect and maintain the balance of nature. And Mendarmakan As An Environmental Perpetrator Of Customs, It Is Written To Take Actions That Are In Accordance With The Customs Of Life In This World Made In Jakarta, 20 May 2011, Awakening, Indigenous Sovereignty Is Human Identity In The World And Written By Maharaja Srinala Praditha Alpiansyah Rehza Fachlevie Wangsawarman As Maharaja of Kutai Mulawarman, Head of the Great Customs of the Republic of Indonesia, Stakeholders of Customs & Large Customs of Muara Kaman, East Kalimantan, Archipelago Figure Who Cares for the World.
Consider :
That on September 3 to 9, 2002, the Mulawarman Traditional Ceremony was held which means Maharaja Kutai Mulawarman is sovereign, sovereign and has sovereign rights based on coherence of origin, Runtut Purus, Runtut Jenang, Runtut Sakti, Runtut Pahujungan Kemuulan in Longa, Penjuntaian in overtime for natural reasons World Based on Kalpa.
Duli, His Majesty Sripaduka, Sovereign Majesty Maharaja Kutai Mulawarman, demands that his purus rights are indeed protected by the universe and collects those who owe him an oath of descent, requests for return from those who borrow and sue those who steal inheritance rights against those who take the customary rights of their descendants, then based on The Deed of Inheritance Strengthening the Power of the Mother of Mahasuri Srinila Rakni Dewi Gari and the Relatives of the Assembly In the Communication Forum of the Mulawarman Relatives, the Degree of Dipertuan Agung is fully established in the Kingdom of Kutai Mulawarman and all legal matters are based on the Kalpa of the Kingdom of Kutai Mulawarman.
Kalpa is a law that is held by His Majesty His Majesty Sripaduka the Great Sovereign Maharaja Kutai Mulawarman Granting Jenang (Name), Ranks and Positions (Position) is a title award called Naik Jenang Naik Sakti (Raising and Positioning), which is Hereditary which is the custom of the Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom.
The Award of the Word of Panditha Maharaja of Kutai Mulawarman which there is no law against it because full sovereign rights have been assessed from the Customary Values Council of the Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom and anyone who interferes with the affairs of the word of Panditha Maharaja of Kutai Mulawarman, then confronts the Kingdom of Kutai Mulawarman, no one is there The rights of others to say the words of the Panditha in the Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom, except for the Maharaja of Kutai Mulawarman, who has the right to command, proclaim, speak to anyone in this world in his rights to the Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom as a strengthening of the power of his heirs.
Remind :
That Title Is, Another Name In Social Status Of Life In Society, Title Since Ancient Times Has Become An Important Moment For One’s Legality. Horehore, one hundred centuries ago the title has been used by certain communities to be used as an introduction to being someone’s self so that it makes someone’s self to have privileges among most other people.
What Is Difficult Is Maintaining That Degree Earned Ethical Values. Among the people, the title becomes a social status that is attached to people of descent. With this noble title, at least there is an inseparable responsibility of us in living our daily lives, should the title which is now attached to us be a reminder for us to continue to guard it.
That the nobility, this word can be interpreted as the highest social class in social life, in pre-modern society. In the Feudal System (In Europe And So On), Nobles were Mostly Those Who Owned The Land Of The Ruler And Had To Serve For It, Especially Military Service, Nobles soon became a hereditary class, sometimes with the right to confer hereditary titles and had right. and others.
That the term for royalty, blue blood is a translation of the Spanish phrase sangre Azul, which describes the Spanish royal family and other high nobility who declared themselves ‘pure’ of Visigothic descent, free of Moorish or Jewish blood. There is no connection between that phrase and the actual color of noble blood. However, in ancient European society, all the upper classes had a pale reddish skin color and bluish veins under the surface of the skin, so they looked different from the skin of the peasant class, which was brown in color and the veins behind it were not clearly visible because they worked a lot. Under the Sun.
That the definition of title and nobility is very clear is the name of the social status of the community, not only kings or sultans, emperors and their descendants are called nobility, but universally are people whose lives reach a high degree (darjah), for example, people who are descendants of kings and others. Intelligent, Clever, Expert, Knowledgeable and Rich, It Can Be Called Noble, Also People Who Have Copyrights And Their Intentions That Are Beneficial For The Lives Of Others In Accordance With Their Professions And Levels Of Life.
The words of Panditha Maharaja Kutai Mulawarman guided by the view of the ideology of life and human status in managing social life, nation and state and mutual respect between fellow ummah who have been judged from the basis of traditional customs and customs that are customary and written customs on this basis Maharaja Kutai Mulawarman Yang Dipertuan Agung in the Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom, which is the oldest Kutai kingdom in East Kalimantan, enforces the words of Panditha as an opening expression for the awarding of titles to citizens of the nation both within the country and outside the country, which is called Anugerah Ketingian Degrees as the social status of the community in taking part in various fields and The expertise and knowledge of each and this title is also given to everyone who is deemed sufficient to receive it, the levels of degrees are arranged as follows:
Article, 1. The Award of Office Title (Position) and Rank (Position) of the Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom are regulated in the words of the Panditha Maharaja of Kutai Mulawarman in the Merit Award:
Paragraph 1, the title of office (position) and rank (position) are the degrees of degrees as follows:
- The King or Queen of the Territory in front of the name is given the title of Duli The Most Honorable His Majesty (D.T.Y.M.S.B.R.).
- The King or Queen of the Territory Authority in front of the name is given the title of Duli The Most Honorable His Majesty (D.T.Y.M.S.B.R.).
- Pateh is the head of the region consisting of several pemangku and mangku and becomes the head of affairs in traditional ceremonies in his area.
- The Great Prince Is the Owner of His Own Territory. In front of the name, the title is given to you, Your Majesty (.YA.M.P.)
- Prince and Princess is a title for the close family of the Maharaja or given to the ministers of ministers in the Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom or to friends of the Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom with the first names of His Majesty the Prince and His Highness the Princess. (YM)
- The Grand Duke is the owner of his own territory in front of the name given the title of His Majesty (Y.M.)
- Adipati is a person who was sent to head a special task from Mahatraja Kutai Mulawarman without having his own territory in front of the name given the title of noble designation (Y.M.)
- Tumenggung is a person who heads a royal business that deals with financial affairs and manages the finances of the Kutai Mulawarman kingdom’s business both inside and outside the country.
- Stakeholders are Heads of Customary Territories in Certain Areas.
- Mangku Is The Chief Executive Of Customs And The Mangku Has The Task Of Carrying Out Their respective Affairs Inherited From generation to generation.
- Demang is an officer of the Great Duke, Duke, Tumenggung, Pemangku and Mangku.
- Supervisors are special officers who handle security issues both within the territory, the regional power of the kings and queens as well as Pateh, the Great Prince and the Grand Duke.
Article, 2. All these ranks are given based on the words of Panditha Maharaja Kutai Mulawarman and while abroad this rank is equivalent to the following language:
- Kings or Queens in front of their names are given the title of His Royal Majesty. They are not territorial rulers or have territories but have duties in their country to become representatives of the Maharaja of Kutai Mulawarman in their leadership relationships in the affairs of institutions or business entities owned by the Kutai Mulawarman kingdom in the country they hold.
- Prince or Princess in front of his name was awarded the title of His/Her Royal Highess with duties and responsibilities as ambassadors of the kingdom of Kutai Mulawarman in every country, including cultural ambassadors, business ambassadors, humanitarian ambassadors, peace ambassadors and diplomatic ambassadors between nations and countries and also lead one Educational Institutions and Community Social Institutions as well as Foundations as a Source of Business and Promote the Existence of the Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom.
- The Duke or Duchess in front of his name is awarded the title of His Excelency Grece. His duties are as a companion to the King or Queen and Prince or Princess in the country and has the right to hold institutions, foundations or educational institutions and others as a source of business.
- The Count or Countess in front of his name is awarded the title His/Her Excellency. He is in charge of helping the King or Queen and Prince or Princess in the country and has the right to hold an institution, foundation or educational institution and others as a source of his business.
- Sir and Lord is a designation of nobility for social workers or heads of institutions that designation is a title in front of his name as an honor.
- High Commender and Commender are knightly ranks as there are levels of designation arranged according to the title:
– General,
– Lieutenant General,
– Major General,
– Brigadier General
This rank is not a title for the armed forces, namely an honorary title for his service to the Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom in a special mission given to him to protect the good name and safety of the Maharaja outside the country. Nor within the State.
- Justice of Peace (JP) is a title of job title to handle legal issues across nations and countries as well as assisting citizens who are facing legal problems and so on because this conciliator is a conciliator appointed or elected from the storage area, and (or usually) ) it is not necessary to have an actual legal education to enter the office. Some have various forms of training for JP members.
Paragraph 2, Office Title (Position) and Rank (Position) To Carry Out The Tasks Given By Maharaja Kutai Mulawarman
Paragraph 3, the title of office (position) and rank (position) is only valid when occupying the rank and the office or position only after being no longer on duty.
Article, 3. Award of Degree Recognition of Darjah and Rank of Office (Position) from the Kingdom of Kutai Mulawarman which is given both inside and outside the country as regulated below
Verse 1, Dato’
– Darjah Bakti Kutai Mulawarman (D.B.K.M.)
– Darjah Indra Kutai Mulawarman (D.I.K.M.)
– The Office of the Officer of the Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom was given because of his service in providing excellent service and having a wide influence in their respective fields, bringing goodness to the Kingdom of Kutai Mulawarman. He was given the title of a happy designation (YB) and his wife automatically carried the title of Datin. Without a degree and if a woman has a gelan dato’, her husband does not have any title.
Verse 2, Dato’ Paduka
– Darjah Paduka Kutai Mulawarman (D.P.K.M.)
– The Office of the Officer is Given Because of His Service Of Providing Excellent Service In A High Position, Served In Carrying Out Heavy And Difficult Tasks Successfully Given A Happy Title (YB) And By Himself His Wife Has The Title Datin Your Majesty Without Degree And If Women Have Title Dato’ Paduka, then her husband does not hold any title.
Verse 3, Dato’ Seri
– Darjah Dato’ Seri Maharaja Kutai Mulawarman (D.S.M.K.M.)
– Darjah Dato’ Seri Setia Kutai Mulawarman (D.S.S.K.M.)
– The Rank (Position) of an Official is Given For His Service To Perform For Providing Excellent Service As A Special Award In A Record Of Great Success He Has Achieved And Is Very Influential To Be Given A Very Happy Title (YAB) And By Himself His Wife Has The Title Datin Seri Without Degree And If a woman bears Gelan Dato’ Your Majesty, then her husband does not have any title.
Verse 4, Dato’ Seri Paduka- Dato’ Seri Paduka Kutai Mulawarman (D.S.P.K.M.)- The Rank (Position) of an Official Was Awarded Brilliantly While Holding the Position of Dato ‘ Seri Paduaka in a High Position For Providing Excellent Service To The State And Nation With Great Influence Holding (Long Term) Responsibilities An Extraordinary Honor Very High Achievement Awarded a Designation Who is very happy (YAB) and automatically his wife bears the title Datin Seri Paduka without a degree. Verse 5, Dato’ Seri Utama- Dato’ Seri Utama Kutai Mulawarman (D.S.U.K.M.)- The Rank (Position) of an Official Awarded With Excellent Service To The State And Nation Responsible & Wide Of Its Influence High Position Important Role In The Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom Holding the Highest Responsibility (Long Term) Awarded A Very Happy Title (YAB) And By Herself The Wife Of She holds the title Datin Seri without a degree, and if a woman has the title of Title Dato’ Paduka, then her husband does not have any titles. Verse 6, Dato’ Seri DiRaja- Dato Seri DiRaja Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom (D.S.D.K.M)- The rank of the main dignitary is given in a very special honor in a very influential position. Responsible for the Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom is given the title of the most happy designation (YTB) and his wife automatically holds the title Datin Seri without a degree and if female Bearing Title Dato’ Your Majesty, then her husband does not have any title. Verse 7, Dato’ Seri Paduka Utama DiRaja- Dato’ Seri Paduka Utama DiRaja Mulawarman (D.S.P.U.D.K.M)- The Rank (Position) Main Authority Awarded In A High Level Position Famous With Excellent Service In Any Field The Most Senior Degree Is Limited To Only A Few People The Main & Important Role In The Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom And Has Received The Title Of Dato ‘The Main Series Was Given A Very Happy Designation (YTB) And automatically his wife bears the title Datin Seri without a degree and if a woman bears Gelan Dato’ Paduka, then her husband does not have any title. Verse 8, The Rich Maharaja- The Rich Maharaja 3 Folds Are Given Because They Already Have The Title Of Dato’ Seri Paduka Utama DiRaja As many as 3 people to work together to manage a company or manage finances together.- The Rich Maharaja 5 Folds Was Given Because He Already Has The Title Of Dato’ Seri Paduka Utama DiRaja As many as 5 people to work together to manage a company or manage finances together.
– The Rich Maharaja 7 Folds Was Given Because He Already Has The Title Of Dato’ Seri Paduka Utama DiRaja As many as 7 people to work together to manage a company or manage finances together.- The Rich Maharaja 9 Folds Was Given Because He Already Has The Title Of Dato’ Seri His Majesty The DiRaja As many as 9 people to work together to manage a company or manage finances together.- The Rich Maharaja 11 Folds Was Given Because They Already Have The Title Of Dato’ Seri Paduka Utama DiRaja As many as 11 people to work together to manage a company or manage finances together. This title bears the title of His Majesty the Rich Maharaja (Y.M.O.K.M.) And His Duties Are Described In His Inauguration Watikah Based On The Word Of Panditha.- The title of Tan Seri is only given to people who have been meritorious and already hold the title of the Rich Maharaja and have made a very large contribution because this title is the title of the Kings of the Age before the birth of Maharja Mulawarman Nala Dewa, namely the Tahani or Old Malay Kings in Kalimantan.
Article, 4. Honorary Degree This title is merely an award and is a gift from the Maharaja of Kutai Mulawarman to appreciate what he has done with sincerity and has special skills for a very noble job.
Verse 1, Kanjeng Prince
– Kanjeng Prince Adipati
– Kanjeng Prince Tumenggung
– Kanjeng Prince Mas
– Kanjeng Prince Sinom
– Kanjeng Prince Anom
– Given to the Princes of the Kingdom of Friends Who Have Served Well Without Rank and Darjah.
Verse 2, Kanjeng Raden
– Kanjeng Raden Adipati
– Kanjeng Raden Tumenggung
– Kanjeng Raden Sinom
– Kanjeng Raden Sinom
– Kanjeng Raden Anom
Paragraph 3, Holds an Honorary Mention in Front of the Name
– Tumenggung Dynasty
– Tumenggung Jaya
– Tumenggung Perana
– Tumenung Hero
– fever
– Ki Juru (Key Holder of Kramat Place)
– Nyai Juru (Key Holder of the Sacred Place)
– Dewa Belian (Executor of Belian)
– Pengin (Purchase Implementing Assistant)
– Pengingun (Purchase Implementing Assistant)
– Sandro Pengguling (Midwife in Childbirth)
– Sandro Bride (Bride’s Makeup)
– Sandro Tenu (Tailor)
– Yayi (Traditional Music Player and Singer and Poet)
– Bujang Dara (Unmarried Female Dancer)
– Bujang Taruna (Peria Dancer Not Yet Berteri)
– Various Awards or Awards according to their needs.
– The title of the name added later is Anugera Maharaja Kutai Mulawarman as written to become a family name for generations
Article, 5. Only Maharaja Kutai Mulawarman has the rights and obligations in saying the Panditha. So the right of the Maharaja of Kutai Mulawarman, who is the Supreme Leader in the Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom, is obliged, to appoint and dismiss all components of the Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom, both inside and outside the country, which are used in the announcement, decree, word of the Pandita.
Article, 6. Only the Maharaja of Kutai Mulawarman who is in the Dipertuan Agung has the right to revoke and grant the title of nobility to relatives who are appointed to his position, and honorary titles to meritorious persons and are entitled to receive them. Agung, then his rights are extinguished which cannot be contested by any party, because the Maharaja of Kutai Mulawarman, who is in the Supreme Court, has full power in the customary law of the Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom.
Article, 7. All titles can be added. The preface is a designation according to the initial respect of all the titles mentioned above plus their academic titles and their real names and the titles of nobility of their family descendants.
Article, 8. Obligations of those who receive the Word of Panditha Maharaja Kutai Mulawarman to obey the Declaration of Indonesian Kinship which reads as follows: We are from the heirs of the kingdom, the sultanates of the archipelago, we are from the heads and tribal leaders throughout Indonesia, we are from the traditional stakeholders, humanists, The Preserver of the Cultural Treasures of the Nation, Declare with all their heart, all their souls, for the sake of the solidity of kinship as a nation, that all and all citizens of the nation are one brother who cannot be separated from one another. All of us are the same blood to create the glory, beauty and dignity of the nation that smells good. Declare with all my heart, all my soul that the inner bond between the citizens of the nation, and the drops of blood of every child of the nation are drops of the blood of the entire Indonesian nation, which should be defended, maintained and guarded in all space and time. Declare wholeheartedly, wholeheartedly, that brotherhood, kinship is an immeasurable gift from the Almighty to be used as energy for the benefit of the nation and the glory of civilization.
Article, 9. This Sabdha Panditha Maharaja Kutai Mulawarman is given with the background that in fact independence is the right of all nations and therefore colonialism in the world must be abolished. Eternal Peace, Justice, and Humanity, Must Be Upheld For That The Citizens Of The World Nation Must Be Subject To Customary Sovereignty Which Is The Law Of Human Life Who Believes In One Godhead. Whoever in this mortal world, violates customs, overthrows the Word of Persada, Mother Earth, destroys the order of life of creatures in the universe, no law is ever able to bind him except the law of life, namely custom, which is the following law implied in the karma of life. Therefore, religion as a teaching guide for the joints of life, is a belief in the belief in one Godhead, it is obligatory for humans to respect each other and respect each other, the basis of national sovereignty in the world.
Article, 10. This Sabdha Panditha Maharaja Kutai Mulawarman was given as a moral message that would be worthless if it were all just empty slogans that aim only to gain happiness and individual interests without paying attention to the social needs of the community as a whole, the interests of a nation born as a pluralistic nation with natural wealth The Abundant.
Article 11. Requirements for receiving the award of title include approval by Maharaja Kutai Mulawarman who determines his rights and evaluates services to the community, and other things that have been obtained in the context of his works of service to the country and the nation in general.
Article 12. The rights and obligations granted by the words of Pandita Maharaja Kutai Mulawarman in his rank and position in honor as business and work partners in the Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom:
Verse, 1.
Carrying out the Orders, Declarations and Words of the Panditha, Maharaja Kutai Mulawarman with sincere sincerity without asking for compensation.
Verse, 2.
Obeying the Kalpas of Each Institution.
Verse, 3.
line of Work Program and Vision and Mission of Each Institution.
Verse, 4.
Subject to the Values of Each of Its Customs Which Are Its Devotion.
Verse, 5.
Entitled To Every Award Of Rank And Service From Each Of Their Institutions.
Verse, 6.
The right to apply to reduce the award of a peerage which must give approval from the Maharaja of Kutai Mulawarman.
Article, 13. Obligations to be given the word of the Pandita in the rank and position in the honor of the Royal Partners of Kutai Mulawarman to be made the main tasks are recommendations regarding:
- Creating Customary and Cultural Resolutions, With the Meaning of Belief in One God.
- Creating a Heart and Spiritual Revolution for Leaders in Holding the Ancestral Trust.
- Creating a just and civilized human life in upholding the constitution of the nations of the world.
- Creating and Developing the Soul and Body of Leaders Who Can Provide Social Justice for All Citizens of the World.
- Creating Eternal Peace Over the World With Love for Your Fellow Earth Creatures.
Closing Article: Corrected Copy of Kalpa Year 1999, Amended On March 27, 2011, Ratified in Muara Kaman Strengthened by Power of Attorney By: The Mangku Council of Power Owners Stamped Power of His Imperial Majesty Prof. Dr. M.S.P.A. Iansyah Rechza. F.W, Ph.D Sovereign Emperor Kingdom Kutai Mulawarman.