The Maharaja
Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sripaduka Baginda Berdaulat Agung
Maharaja Kutai Mulawarman
His Majesty Sovereign Emperor Kutai Mulawarman His Majesty Great King Prof. Dr. M.S.P. A. Iansyah Rechza. F.W, B.Soc.Sc., M.Res., Ph.D. (Maharaja Kutai Mulawarman)
Signatory of the United Nations Global Compact Academic body for business management, free technical education, for education training for peace and support for non-Governmental organizations, publishers of books, newspapers and magazines, committed to 17 SDG Agenda 30 and 10 Principles of the Global Compact, registration of press agent MTB 0067.500 SP with Office at: Avenida Paulo Brossard 1745, Bairro Vassouras II, CEP 07957-000.
His Majesty the Great King Maharaja in the Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom in Muara Kaman Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan, Indonesia.
Figures who won medals from the Association of Veterans and Volunteers of the United Nations Mission I-SUN-VV 2016 for their role in providing mobilization and communication between international institutions to mobilize volunteer workers in the field of Humanity and peace in the international political turmoil.
Speakers at the Reflection Presentation on the Relocation of the Capital of the Republic of Indonesia in Optimizing Solutions or National Development Problems at the Student Association, Faculty of Government Administration, Islamic University of Malang 2019, Take part in the Discourse on Relocating the State Capital of Indonesia to East Kalimantan, which is supported by the history of the existence of the Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom.
As Noble His Majesty Sovereign Emperor Kutai Mulawarman His Majesty Great King Prof. Dr. M.S.P. A. Iansyah Rechza. F.W, B.Soc.Sc., M.Res., Ph.D.(Maharaja Kutai Mulawarman)
Welcomed the relocation of the capital city of the State of Indonesia to East Kalimantan, in particular to the Regencies of North Penajem Paser and Kutai Kartanegara.
Through the Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom, both in Kutai Kartanegara and East Kutai, West Kutai and Balikpapan, Samarinda and Bontang as well as Mahakam Ulu and North Kalimantan Maharaja Kutai Mulawarman has ordered Customary Heads throughout the Customary Territory to welcome the transfer of the capital city of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. This is his role in serving the nation and state.
His move to introduce the enormous potential of the island of Borneo made several countries want to cooperate with Indonesia in developing the International Kutai Mulawarman Royal Council (KMRC), which is a form of brotherhood between countries, Indonesia, Malaysia, China, Africa, and Hong Kong.
This cooperation meeting was held at Hotel Borobudur Street Central Jakarta Banteng Field was very smooth, Thursday (23/05/19). As a simple and unpretentious international leader, the Maharaja of the Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom is well-known both in his area of Muara Kaman and East Kalimantan and Indonesia and even internationally. The 300 International Organizations under his guidance cover nearly 160 countries and are Professors of world peace.
He is more concerned with the World Community that has experienced war victims and is a volunteer who is obeyed and respected by other organizations at the international level. He also this year is 2020 Leading 300 organizations with him to end the war in Yemen and an open letter sent to the United Nations.
As an international figure, he is the strongest candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2020-2021 driven by a University of Rome based in Serbia. Previously, he was the winner of The Book of Records in Malaysia and The Book of Records in India and in the year 2021-2022 was nominated for received The Guinness Book of Records.
As a Figure Who is Very Close to Orphans in Indonesia Maharaja Kutai Mulawarman Attends the Dangiang Tarumanegara Cultural Arts Festival Happiness radiates on the faces of orphans and poor people. “Hopefully in the future they will become the best sons and daughters of Indonesia,” His Majesty Sovereign Emperor Kutai Mulawarman His Majesty Great King Prof. Dr. M.S.P. A. Iansyah Rechza. F.W, B.Soc.Sc., M.Res., Ph.D.(Maharaja Kutai Mulawarman)
On the 45th day of his sonship, Maharaja Kutai Mulawarman and praying with the orphans is something he always does as his love for Indonesian citizens. His Majesty Sovereign Emperor Kutai Mulawarman His Majesty Great King Prof. Dr. M.S.P. A. Iansyah Rechza. F.W, B.Soc.Sc., M.Res., Ph.D.(Maharaja Kutai Mulawarman) together with the Royal Officials and the Kutai Mulawarma Kingdom Management held an event of Compensation and Break Fasting Together (Bukber) with 1000 Orphans and Dhuafa as well as People with Disabilities, the event was held at the meeting building of the Golden Dome Mosque, Depok, Wednesday, 22/5.
As an Active Member in the United Nations Organization :
- Member CSO-Net #380945 ECOSOC CivilSociety Network In United Nation,
- Member IM 17939913881 United Nations Department Safety & Security (UNDSS),
- Member UNGM 670477 United Nation Global Market Plance,
- Member UNV User ID 520000000237827 UN Volunteers 1878931 United Nation,
- Member R7187 WHO World Health Organization United Nation,
- Member 36387 Sutaninable Development GOALS (UNSDGs),
- Special Life Membership #1625 SLO United Nation Association in the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka [UNA],
- United Nation Global Compact 437800 Engagement with an Agreement signed with Maharaja of Kutai Mulawarman,
- United Nation Global Compact 437801 Appointment of Kutai Mulawarman’s Maharaja as International President for greater positive action and inclusion through the UN Global Compact and commitment to Agenda 30 SDGs. Already opened in Indonesia, Kutai Mulawarman Empire,
Positions in universities and academies in various countries :
- President International Instituto Edocando Para a Paz in Brasil [IEP],
- Between Nations Bangsa University of Sabah Innovation Education in Malaysia [PIPS],
- Head of Confirmation Mission for World Peace and Academy of Human Rights in Ukraine [WPMHRA],
- President International Online Training College in Iran [OTC],
- President of the International World Benevolent Commission in Iran (WBC],
- International President of Pelita Malaya University in Singapore [UPM],
- International President of ASEAN Academy of Finance and Management in Indonesia [AAFM],
- Honorary Professor of International University of Studies and Research in Algeria [IUSRA],
- International President of Asian University International in Philippines (AUI)
- Founder Royal Kutai Mulawarman Peace International Institute in Philippines (RKMPII)
- Professor of Philosophy in Martial Arts Science University of World Martial Arts No. 108/UWMA Date of Rank-:05-20-2015 Founder & International Director Dr. Mohd Javadi Rajibar.
- Professor Honorio em Paz e Direitos Humanos Instituto Educando Para a Paz Nr-_0555.2015 Cirado em 14 de Julho de 2015 Presidente e Fundador IEP e Republica Fedrative do Brasil.
- Professor Honorario em Humanidade e Paz Instituto Educando Para a PazvPremiado em 25 de Agosto de 2015 Presidente e Fundador IEP e Republica Fedrative do Brasil.
- Honorary Professor in Philosophy Science Asia University International 2019-AUI-PROF-HC-190107 Accredited Provider #777265 CPD.
- Honorary Professor in Philosophy Science University of Pelita Malaya UPM-2019-22
- Appointed & Honorary Professor of Philosophy at International University of Studies and Research in Algeria Date July 25th, 2020.
- Honorary Professor on Peace and Human Rights 2th September 2020 Generation Light International Bible University and Instituto Teologico de Missao a Ultima Trombeta-ITMUT – Brazil.
- Professor in Diplomacy, Humanity, Human Rights and Peace Education Institute For The Roma Studies Of Europe And Researches Regerding The Crimes Against Humanity And International Law 26.08.2022.
- Professor of Peace and Human Rights World Peace Mission and Human Rights Academy Reg-No 0006-1147-1807-2020 Accredited as NGO in United Nations New York, USA Date 19/09/2020 CEO Faunder President in Ukraine
- Professor in Cultural History Research International University of Studies and Research in Algeria IUSRA-500 Date 29-01/2021.
His Majesty Sovereign Emperor Kutai Mulawarman His Majesty Great King Prof. Dr. M.S.P. A. Iansyah Rechza. F.W, B.Soc.Sc., M.Res., Ph.D.(Maharaja Kutai Mulawarman) from the Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom in the Republic of Indonesia, he is still actively serving in organizations including:
- The Great Customary Head of the Republic of Indonesia [LABRI],
- Chairman of the Nusantara Grand Density Council [MKAAN],
- YDPA Diraja Nusantara [DRN],
- Royal Ambassador & Chair of the International Royal Council [ICR],
- World Humanitarian Commission, Protector, International Committee of the World Humanitarian Commission [ICWHC],
- World Peace Education Institute headquartered in Brazil and in collaboration with the United Nations Global Compact. [IEP-MKM-UNGC],
- International Protector of Growth Nala Duta Nusantara Malaysia [PNNM],
- Ambassador of the United Refugee Green Council [URGC],
- President of the International Supreme Council of the International Forum in Support of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals [IFSSDGUN],
- Founder of Universal World Peace Education [UNWOPE],
- Founder of the United Society Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom [UNSKMK],
- Head of the United World Royal House [UNWRH],
- Founder of the United World Institution, Foundation, and Organization [UNWIFO],
- Founder of Unity World Peace Poets [UNWPP],
- Patron Commonwealth Entrepreneurs Club UK [CEC],
- Judicial Sector Mate International Arbitration Forum [MATE],
- Major General of the International Police Forum For Indonesia Tahun 2020-2021 [IPF],
- Lieutenant General of the International Police Forum For Indonesia Tahun 2021-2022 [IPF],
- Birland International Representative for foreign relations with Governments, Organizations, Birland communities Overseas with Governments, Organizations and Communities on behalf of Birland,
- Protector of World Peace Education in Every Country [RKM],
- Chairman of The Royal Knights World Royal Peace Council Union (WRPCU),
- President of the Human Rights & Peace UN Welfare Foundation in Indonesia,
- President Tripla Difesa Onlus Accademia Dei Diritti Italian Commission for International Criminal Justice in Indonesia,
- Global Royal & Ambassador Federation of World Cultural & ART Socety (Singapore),
- International Kings Council at UNGK.
Experience in Organization Starting from Youth and these are the organizations he has participated in, including:
- 1983-1985 As Chair of the Library of SDN 003 Muara Kaman,
- 1984-1987 Chairman Vini Vindi Vici Muara Kaman,
- 1985-1989, Youth Section of Muara Kaman Ilir Youth Organization,
- 1986-1990 Secretary of the Mulawarman Muara Kaman Orchestra Tingkilan,
- 1987-1990 Deputy Chairman of KTNI Muara Kaman Band,
- 1988-1991 Chairman of the Lenggang Dance Center for the Enchantment of Muara Kaman Culture,
- 1990-1993 Head of Posyandu Sartika Muara Kaman,
- 1992-1994 Head of Sanggar Hasenda Samarinda,
- 1993-1999 Member of LPKK Tenggarong,
- 1996-2000 Head of Student Family Welfare Youth Welfare Muara Kaman Tenggarong,
- 1997-2001 Chairman of the Kutai Regency Creative Youth Association,
- 1997-2001 Deputy Chairperson of YPPA ’45 Representative of East Kalimantan,
- Chairman of HARPPAKU from 1998 until now.
- 1998-2007 Chairman of the Golkar Youth Coordination Agency of Kutai Regency,
- 1998-2000 Deputy Secretary of IPNU-IPPNU Kutai Regency,
- 1999-2003. Chairman of the Mulawarman Relatives Forum,
- 1999-2005 Secretary of the Golkar Party PTK,
- Head/Muara Kaman Customs Officer for the Period 2001-2013,
- Naladuta Kutai Mulawarman Council 2001-present.
- Founder of Gaputra Kutai Band in 2001,
- Founder of the Eroh Begenjoh Dance Studio in 2001,
- Founder of Golkar Pemuda Band Kukar 2001,
- Chairperson of the Kukar Branch of the East Kalimantan Pejuang Pejuang Foundation for the period 2002-2006,
- Chairman of the 45th Branch of the Kutai Kartanegara Regency Successor Foundation 2003-2007,
- Foster of the Kutai Kartanegara Branch of the Indigenous Community Forum 2004-2008,
- Founder of the Kutai Martadipura Foundation (SMA Martadipura Sedulang),
- Superintendent of Kedang Daya Pratama Foundation (TK Kota Bangun Seberang),
- Trustees of the Tebangun Sakti Foundation (SMP Kota Bangun Seberang),
- Youth Creativity Foundation,
- Chairman of the Bahana Kumala Foundation (Media Publishing),
- Secretary of Indonesian Inter-Inhabitant Radio in the Kukar Territory for the Period 2003-2007,
- Deputy Secretary II of the Committee for Journalists of the Republic of Indonesia Cab. Kukar for the period 2004-2009,
- Management of the Indonesian Historian Association Kukar Branch for the 2003-2007 period,
- Head of MKGR Kec. Muara Kaman 2004-2009,
- Chairperson of the Dayaku Gate Caring Community Forum for the 2004-2009 period,
- Chairman of the Tiger Club Athletics Kab.Kukar Period 2003-2007,
- Foster of the Kukar Regency Creative Youth Union, 2004-2009,
- Media Advisor for Bahana Kumala Priode 2005-2010,
- Chairman of the Mulawarman Family Forum for the 2003-2007 period,
- Head of the Muara Kaman Farmers and Fishermen Community Association for the period 2003-2007,
- Development of the Perian Etam Cooperative for the Period 2003-2007,
- Cooperative Superintendent of Teratak Village Units for the period 2003-2007,
- Chairman of the Mulawarman Cooperative 2004-2009,
- Foster of Mulawarman Dance Cultural Development Center 2004-2009,
- Founder of Sebulu Pemuda Band Work 2004-2009,
- Founder of Denada Band Ma-Kaman 2004-present,
- Founder of Raf Musik Muara Kaman 2004-present,
- Towor Band Trustees 2005-2010,
- Founder Maharaja Band 2006-present,
- Owner of EO. Multi Youth Kukar Year 2006-Present,
- Honorary Council of the Great Customary Institution of the Kingdom of Batara Gogoh Kahala Kukar 2007-present,
- Chairman of the East Kalimantan Customary Council 2007-present,
- Culture Section of Sempekeat Keroan Kutai 2009-2014,
- The Chief Customary Officer of the Republic of Indonesia for the 2009-Present Period,
- Founder of EO. Kukar’s masterpiece 2009,
- Secretary General of the Young Nobles of Indonesia 2010-Present,
- Kutai Raya Student Association Council 2010-Present,
- Honorary Council of the Greater Cakra Adiningrat Customary Institution, Bekasi, West Java, 2010,
- The Great Customary Head of East Kalimantan Province for the period 2011-2016.
Big Family in Adulthood and Woman Who Becomes Wife (Maharatu Kutai Mulawarman in Jenangkan 27 November 2007) is the current wife of Her Majesty Great Queen Dr. Maharatu Srinila Karmila Perkastiawati Dewi, Ph.D, married in 2005. Son and daughter :
- His Majesty Young Maharaja Nala Indra vachrucha Dilaya.- Sovereign Sripaduka Raja
– October 24, 2010- Sovereign Maharaja Muda
– 27 December 2017. - Her Majesty Young Maharatu Nila Mayang Mulawarni Pertiwi
- Her Majesty Young Empress Nila Wazra Fadmi
As the heir to the Maharaja of Kutai Mulawarman, he continued the legacy of the Will Based on the Ritual of the Royal Heritage of Kutai Mulawarman The lineage described in the Line of Descendants. His Majesty Sovereign Emperor Kutai Mulawarman His Majesty Great King Prof. Dr. M.S.P. A. Iansyah Rechza. F.W, B.Soc.Sc., M.Res., Ph.D.(Maharaja Kutai Mulawarman) Born in Muara Kaman, July 14, 1974. A leader who has dreams because of God’s appointed time. Allah SWT will make someone a true leader who only focuses on the fate of the people who have been suffering from poverty.
Historic Day: 27 July 1988 Awarded the Customary Title Sri Raja Srinala Wangsawarman (Young Maharaja Candidate) Date : 9 September 1999 General Meeting of the Viceroy Srinala Wangsawarman (Young Maharaja) Crown Prince Maharaja Kutai Mulawarman Date : 3 September 2001 Rising Be-Jenang Ratu Receives Anugerah Maharaja Srinala Praditha Wangsawarman’s title as the Supreme Lord of Maharaja in the Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom With the title of His Majesty Sripaduka Maharaja Srinala Praditha Wangsawarman who is the Supreme Leader of the Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom Father: His Majesty Great King Maharaja Srinala Prabu Maskoer Wangsawarman son of Her Majesty Great Queen Mahasuri Srinila Dedong Sari, who is married to Marta Yopok’s grandson, Marta Kanan’s sister, Rongge Alias Rungkau’s brother’s son, Bone, married Kerincing, As Maharaja Kutai Mulawarman, 39th Generation Maharaja Sri Mulawarman Naladewa. Mother : A hard working woman, Her Majesty Greaat Queen DR. (H.C.) Mahasuri Srinila Rakni Dewi Gari, Ph.D. Princess Dari: Prince Jarongan (Pitung) Title Sripaduka Raja Baya Bin Prince Panji Kuning (Salok) Sripaduka Raja Balarung Royal Family Prince Perdah (Sripaduka Raja Peradah) Descendants of Maharaja Kutai Mulawarman.
The Brothers include: 1. His Majesty Sripaduka King Nalapati Sadeli Wangsawarman, 2. His Majesty Sripaduka King Nalapati Fathul Wangsayuda, 3. Her Majesty Sripaduka Ratu Nilaputri Indar Nuraini Saridewi (deceased),4. His Majesty Sripaduka Raja Nalapati Azis (died only 3 months old),5. His Majesty Sripaduka King Nalapati Muraini Wangsajaya, 6. Her Majesty Sripaduka Ratu Nilaputri Mirnawati Mayangsari,7. His Majesty Sripaduka King Ilianyah Fradana Wangsanata. Everyone always gives support and enthusiasm to devote themselves to (NKRI) especially for the country and the Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom as the heir to the First Archipelago Kingdom.
- Elementary School Certificate No. 21 PA 000566 Tenggarong 07 December 1995.
- Junior High School Diploma No. 21 PB 002026 Tenggarong 07 December 1998.
- High school diploma no. 26 MUP 0020989 Samarinda August 2, 2000.
- Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) Abide University ID#210419556 AU/ME/GEN 14/07/2019.
- Bachelor of Science (B.Soc.Sc) International University of Studies and Research in Algeria SN-00678.20 July 16, 2020.
- Master of Research International European Campus University College Certificate No. 07252 Student ID.IECUC/MRES20/7108 January 28, 2021.
- Executive Master Research International European Campus University College Certificate No. 07365 Student ID.IECUC/EMBA21/7228 April 08, 2021.
Honorary Doctor’s Degree
- Doctor Honoris Causa Em História Aos 18 De Dezembro De 2012, Na Academia De Santo Estêvão De Jerusalém Dos Arameus E Dos Auranitas, De Ciências, Letras E Artes Como Príncipe D. Ydenir P. Machado.
- Titolo Honoris Causa Nr 104/2, Prot Is Del 30 Gemale 2013, 11 Governor Fordatore Prof. Dr. Hc. Acc Mult Datu Francisco Paolo Scarciolia Principe Di Syria E Di Santa Anatolia Priheipe. Casa Imperiale Russia Sei Rurikovicle Principe Di Hythera Academia Internazionale Umahitaria Opere, 30 gennaio 2013 Stato d’Italia.
- Titulum Honoris Causa Academicum Histornae Humanitatis Accademia International Umanitaria Prof. Dr. Hc. Acc Mult Datu Francesco Paolo Scarciolla Dott Bruno Loperfido Principe Di Syria E Di Santa Anatolia Principe Casa Imperiale Rcessa Dei Rurikovicle Incard Al Mr Ioa / 1 Dell Abo Doro Dell Accadimia AIUO II, 30 gennaio 2013 Stato d’Italia.
- O Tutilo Honoris Causa Doctor Em Humani Dades Etenez Cientifico Sao Lucas O Medico Mantenedera CNPJ 04.Org.365 / 0001-65 O Reitor Academico Renev Cientifico Sua Lucas O Medico Organizacoa Academica Hostorica Cultural De Natureza Juridica Levre Prof Dr Jose Gomes De Silva Neto Custos Et Prases Brazil Esprito Santo Zi De Julho De 2013 do Brazil.
- Diploma Theological Institute Mission Last Trumet Confession of Evangelical Religion Application Formulation EMBU DAS ARTES-SP-BRASIL 10 de Agosto de 2013 reg.1234667890613,
- Honorary Doctorate Degree in Ecclesiastical Christian Philosophy, Signed By REV.DR. Geferson C. Barbosa PH.D; D.D Director Estadual Do Itmut / MG and REV. DR. Jorge de Jesus Fidelis PH.D; TH.D Presidente / Rector General Do ITMUT Barbosa.
- Doctor Honoris Causa Diplomacia e Relacoes Internacionais from Orthodox University Ecclesiae Amparado oenferme Deordo La Federal 1053/69 Santa Maria, Brazil / RS 18 de Agosto 2013 Dr. Dirceu Falcao Ibaldo, Phd. DD.
- Defensor do Diploma Perpetuo da Paz Mundial 18 de agosto de 2013 de Academia Sinodal de Ciencias Humanisticas do Brazil O Presidente da ARCADIA Academia de Ciendas Humanisticas DR. Datu Dirceu Faledo Ibalda, TRD Grdo Duque da Santa Cruz da Hipdnen in Santiago Republica Federetive do Brazil.
- Doutor Honoris Causa Em Humanidades ACAJUPEB 0020 Academia De Juizes De Paz Eclesiasticos do Brasil Belford Roxo, 27 de Abril de 2015 Presidente Nacional Prof. Dr. Iguanci Luiz de Gouveia Junior Registro de Pessoas Juridicas-Cartrorio do 30 Oficido de Justica-RJ-Brazil.
- Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) Degree University of Suddhartha United Nations Recognized International University date of Certification 01 May 2015 Chief Executive Chancellor Sir eeDr. Siddhartha Ghosh.
- Doutor Honoris Causa Em Humanidades Academia De Juizes De Paz Eclesiasticos do Brasil Belford Roxo, RJ, 26 de Maio Abril de 2015 Presidente Nacional Prof. Dr. Iguanci Luiz de Gouveia Junior Registro de Pessoas Juridicas-Cartrorio do 30 Oficido de Justica-RJ-Brazil.
- Doctor of Humane Letters Malsey Hall School of Theology, Oxfrod In Witness Whercof Wolsey Hall School of Theology, Oxfrod grants this diploma number 21571 under the seal of the Mexican National Catholic Churchon this 6th day of June 2015.
- Doctor of Peace Baptista Peace University Registered as I.A.O.M.A in India 9th Day of October 2015
- Doctor of Human Rights & Peace Baptista Peace University Registered as I.A.O.M.A in India 30 Day of June 2016
- Doutor Honoris Causa em Humanidades OMDDH Organizacao Mundial dos Defensores dos Direitos humanos Belford Roxo, RJ, 27 de Junho de 2016.
- Doctor of Philosophy in Alternatibe System of Medicine International Medicina – Alternatiba Oriental- Aedical Association I-MOA Affiliated by International Open University of Humanity Health Scienee and Peace IOUHHSP Reg. No : MOC/2017/0010 22 Day of January 2017.
- Doctor Honoris Causa in Philosophy Faculdade de Capelania Civil do Brasil FACACIB CNPJ-19.052.336/0001-26 Belford Roxo, RJ, 01 Marco de 2017.
- Doctor of Philosophy in Logic and Ethics Registration Number CIOU/122/DPLF Charaka International Open University Govt of India Reg. No. DRL/BGM/SOR/727/2016-2017 University Accredited by UN-IGO Systems & ICJ Recognized by US Fedral Police Chaplain International Date of Issue 29-Aug-2019.
- Honorary Doctorate Chauhary Art Trust Sr. No. 541 Dated 04-30-2020 Karnal (Haryana) India.
- Doctor of Excellence Dynamic Peace Rescue Mission International (Peace Keeping & Peace Building Academy) & International Operation For Peace and Security to Activate Humanitarian Law For Peace Certificate N. DPIO-222 Date 30/04/2020.
- Royal Doctor of Human Rights WBC Endorsed on April 17, 2020 World Benevolent Commission.
- Honorary Doctorate The Global Forum of Amassadors of Peace For the Humanitarian Efforts Made in World 2020
- Doctor Honoris Causa of Humanity National Humanity Global Peace Fedration Date 06 -05- 2020 Accdance Reg. India.
- Honorary Doctorate Degree Arab Peace League No. 7/5/2020-9 A.P.L Palestine.
- Honorary Doctorate The Best Human Right Servants, World Benevolent Commission WBC 1407.2020.1351. 14 – 07 – 2020.
- Honorary Doctorate in Philosophy Human Resourcer Peace Institute For Peace and Human Rights PI-PHR-17-07-2020.
- Doctor Honoris Causa Of Human Rights and Diplomacy Astrid Academy & Global Peace Foundation Given this 17th day of Oct.2020 In Sweden.
- Doctor Honoris Causa in Diplomacy, Human Rights and Humanity Institute For The Roma Studies Of Europe And Researches Regering The Crimes Against Humanity And International Law 08.04.2020.
- Doctor Honoris Causa in Diplomacy, Human Rights and Humanity Institute For The Roma Studies Of Europe And Researches Regerding The Crimes Against Humanity And International Law 15.06.2020.
- Doctor Honoris Causa in International Diplomacy and Development, Permanent Commitment to peace, equality tolerance and dignity Institute For The Roma Studies Of Europe And Researches Regerding The Crimes Against Humanity And International Law 03.27.2021. Honorary Professor’s Degree Award:
- Professor of Philosophy in Martial Arts Science University of World Martial Arts No. 108/UWMA Date of Rank-:05-20-2015 Founder & International Director Dr. Mohd Javadi Rajibar.
- Professor Honorio em Paz e Direitos Humanos Instituto Educando Para a Paz Nr-_0555.2015 Cirado em 14 de Julho de 2015 Presidente e Fundador IEP e Republica Fedrative do Brasil.
- Professor Honorario em Humanidade e Paz Instituto Educando Para a PazvPremiado em 25 de Agosto de 2015 Presidente e Fundador IEP e Republica Fedrative do Brasil.
- Honorary Professor in Philosophy Science Asia University International 2019-AUI-PROF-HC-190107 Accredited Provider #777265 CPD.
- Honorary Professor in Philosophy Science University of Pelita Malaya UPM-2019-225.
- Appointed & Honorary Professor of Philosophy at International University of Studies and Research in Algeria Date July 25th, 2020.
- Honorary Professor on Peace and Human Rights 2th September 2020 Generation Light International Bible University and Instituto Teologico de Missao a Ultima Trombeta-ITMUT – Brazil.
- Professor in Diplomacy, Humanity, Human Rights and Peace Education Institute For The Roma Studies Of Europe And Researches Regerding The Crimes Against Humanity And International Law 26.08.2022.
- Professor of Peace and Human Rights World Peace Mission and Human Rights Academy Reg-No 0006-1147-1807-2020 Accredited as NGO in United Nations New York, USA Date 19/09/2020 CEO Faunder President in Ukraine
- Professor in Cultural History Research International University of Studies and Research in Algeria IUSRA-500 Date 29-01/2021. International Awards
- RSG Religious Director Award Certificate December 25, 2012 Signed By Sheikh Mohammed Al Qarni, Saudi Arabia.
- Certificate Of Appreciation RSG Director For Religious Affairs Signed by Sheikh Mohammed Al Qarni, 25 December 2013, Saudi Arabia.
- Certificate of Award of Royal Society Group Officers and Honorary Members Signed Sheikh Meeshal Fehad Al-Arezi From Saudi Arabia December 25, 2012.
- The Royal Society Group Award Certificate was signed by His Majesty Sultan Ampaso Umpa Royal Hose Kapatagan Valay on December 25, 2012 with Sultan Mohammad I Tianero from Saudi Arabia.
- Certificate Of Appreciation Honorable Royal Society Group Dignateries December 25, 2012, Signed By Sheik Maeshal Fahad Al Anezi, Saudi Arabia.
- Certificate of Honor December 25, 2012, And Sincerely Sheikh Jalal Mohamad Al Anezi The Royal Society Group Royal Advicer And Protected Saudi Arabia.
- Coorperation Award Royal Society Group Greetings, 25 December 2012, Signed By Dr. Sultan Muhammad I Tianero Prince Of Antioch Medal Awards, Saudi Arabia.
- Certificate of Appreciation for the Kingdom of the Kapatagan Valley, January 3, 2013, His Royal Highness Sultan Ali Ampaso Umpa Saudi Arabia.
- Certificate Of Honor World Niyuddha Foundation Institude Directed By Dev Nagari, India, Signed By Nresdrashivastava Niyudd Nacharya 14 October 2013.
- Agency Lifetime Membership Certificate Directed by Niyuddha Sport Federation and World Niyuddha Federation India, Signed By Nresdrashivastava Niyudd Nacharya 14 October 2013.
- Certificate Of Membership Of An Institude Niyuddha Is An Ancient And Traditional Martial Arts Of Ancient India And It Is The Origin Of All Kinds Of Martial Mart World Federation Of Indian Niyuddha, Signed By Nresdrashivastava Niyudd Nacharya 14 October 2013.
- Mamber of the Orthodox Order of Saint Barbara Ukrainee No. 203, 10 August 2013 Signed By Bishop Taras. International Honorary Degree and Star of Service Award.
- The Title And Honorary Title Of Knight Commander In The Sabrireign Order Of The Independent King Richard Lion Heart Of Jerusalem Anno 1999 Awarded In The Year Of Nour God 2006, Duke George Richards Sabrireign His Highness Chandhelor And Prince Grand Master.
- Star of Service Medalha Leao De Juda, devidamente oficiallizada atraves do Decreto 57.485 de 03 de Novembro de 2011 ( Diario Oficial do Estado de Sao Paulo de 04.11.11 ) no grau de COMENDADOR com todos os direitos, honentes e deveres per Dado e passado aos 5 de dezembro de 2012aD sob a registro no livro competente de no 01, fls. 30.
- Title Knight Grand Cross of Justice, of the Holy Roman Empire, Conferring him all the rights Duties and benefits of this Title IMPERIAL HOUSE AERTRIJCKE COMNEPALAIOLOGOS Prince Alexander Comnene Palaiologos Maia Cruz Grand Master, de Jure.
- Star of Service Bund Ehemaliger 55er Infanterie-Regiment ,,Graf Bullow von dennewitz ”(6. Westfalisches) Nr. 55 ( gegruundet 1860 ) und seiner Nachfolgeeinheiten sowie Traditionstrager in Schaumburg-Lippe 55er Ehrenzeichen Fur Verdienste um die Traditionpflege verliehen Schaumburg 30.12.2012
- Title of Royal Commander of Kutai in witness where of we have hereunto set our hand this 6th day of January in the year Two Thousand and Thirteen.
- Knight Grand Cross Imperial Order of the Golden Eagle of Constantinople 27th January,2013.
- Star of Service Soberana Orden Templaria de San Jose Por su labor altruista en bien de la humanidad Dado en San Jose de Costa Rica, a los 25 dias del mes de Julio del ano 2013, bajo el Numero de Registro 70 – 2013.
- Title Knight Grand Cross Imperial Order Of The Golden Eagle Of Constantinople January 27, 2013.
- The title of Dato’ Your Majesty Di Raja (D.K.O.N.) The Customs and Customs of the Rich Seri Maharaja Merah Dato’ Invite the 21st Naning region with the Malacca Traditional Institute 00155 granted on 15 November 2014.
- Stars of Faithful Service to the Union of the Former Malaysian State Security Forces in the Cultural Virtue Category 5th December 2016.
- Royal Honorary Award for the Malaysian Crime Prevention Awareness Institute in Selangor Darul Ehsan 28/10/2015.
- Bintang Anugerah Khidmat First Class Dedication to Malaysian Anxiety Action Troops on 6th November 2015 (Gajet Number 0617750).
- The title of the Greatness of the King Tuan Diraja Seri Perkasa Utama Darjah Kapita Mamancanegara Number 87589/WD/KP/KPMR/ The title of the Prince of Agung Kapita Mamanca of the Indigenous Princeship of the Diraja Nusantara 2019
- Honorary Advisory Award of the Kings of the Archipelago (PLK Malaysia: PTM 021 11 23122015 Growth of the 2015 Malaysia Global Security Foundation Integration).
- Titled Karaeng Sagala Main Relative of the Kingdom of Ara Bumi Panrita Lopi Bulukumba South Sulawesi Takzim Sovereign 20 November 2018 Wareko Naseng Karaeng Ara.
- Tavola Knight of Education for Peace Educating For Peace Institute Francisco Morato, January 20,2018 – State of Sao Paulo Federative Republic Of Brazil.
- Nobility title Balan Tempau Paren Batu Liau Bulan Paren Kelunan Kaq Usun Tanaq Langit Megan Legal Decree of the National Dayak Judge Court Number : 001.KH/MHADI/XI/2019 With the meaning of Maharaja Like the Hardest Black Stone, Not Easy to Split, Crush and When The Hit Releases Sparks, It Is Timeless To Eat The King Of Humans In This Universe.
- Title of Nobility Karaeng Matunru Daeng i King of Honor of the Kingdom of Polongbangkeng Takzim Sovereign, September 28, 2018 Kingdom of Polongbangkeng.
- The title of Grao Prior para a Asia Ordem dos Cabaleiros da Graca de Cristo Curitiba/PR. Brazil 30 de Janeiro de 2016 no ano da Gracha do Senhor Jesus Cristo.
- Title Governor General & Prince of Peace Southeast Asia Royal Kingdom of Sarkar Dynasty Accredited by Gov of Commonwealth & ICJ Given this 8th July 2016.
- Title Principe da Soberana Casa Real Dias Dabo e Passabo em Boiania, Boias, Brazil, em 22 de Julho de 2016 Ano da Graca do Senhor Jesus Cristo.
- Prince Of Royal House Ribezzi De Bourbon Imperial And Royal House Ribezzi De Bourbon Lothringen Of Magri Von Habsbrug-Capetian & Rudolf von Habsbrug I H.R.R.Bloodlines Royal Decret/Patent No. 58/ of the 23rd/March/2018, Bad Nauheim(D)
- Cabaliere title at Gran Croce Ordine Dynastyco della Corona della Transnistria D’ Occidente Decreto nr.16/1-2018 Dalla Sede Magistrale, 27 Marzo 2018.
- Title Cabaliere at Gran Croce Serenissimo Ordine Nobiliare dei Cabaliere in Malta e Clicia Independente e Patronale Decreto nr. 122/1-2018 Dalla Sede Magistrale, 27/03/2018.
- Degree of Principe di Ialomita transnissibilo in linia maschile che femminile in perpetuo. Dato dalla Nostra Residenza nel giorno 15 del mese di ottobre del ano’ del signore 2015 Principato di Valacchia.
- The title of Cabaler Mare Ofiter al ordinului nostrum. Ordinul Suberan al Cabalerilor Stantului Andrei Marele Priorat al Valahiei Drept pentru care aplicam semnatura nostra astazi, 05 Octombrie 2015.
- Award Reconhecimento de Hobreza Ordem da Casa dos nobres CNPJ 16803143000171 mantenedora Sao Paulo/SP-Brazil 13 de Agosto de 2019 no ano da Graca.
- Condecoration Oro Puro Award POETAS INTERGALACTICOS Ecuador, 14 de febrero del 2021
- Honorary Star Ordine Della Grace D’ore Papa Clemente XI Albani Titana Albania, 17 January 2013, Presidente Della Foundation Cov Dott Zef Bushati, Titana Albania.
- Ambossador of Peace in Asia OMDDH Organizacao mundial dos Defensores dos Direitos humanos World Organization of Human Rights Defenders Belford Roxo, RJ, 27 de Junho de 2016.
The challenges at the beginning of serving the Ancestral Heritage of the Maharaja Kutai Mulawarman, of course, many challenges came from those who did not like the reappearance of the Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom which had disappeared from more than 100 years of history but did not make us weak but strong because nothing will change God’s Will.
The Kutai Mulawarman kingdom does exist but only most of them do not know because their relatives are sacred rituals for every family such as Aer, Bedudus, Pelas Tahun, Pelas Tanah, Pelas and indeed using spells in spells is indeed purus. There are still royal laws that are still held and recognized in families such as the Nala Family, Wangsa, Perana, Marta, Wira, Mas, Pati, etc. However, these obstacles must be patient.
Not Arrogant and Always Appreciate all gifts and make works useful for the Common Interest that builds the Good and the Nation. Because there are 4 Maharaja characters: 1. The character of the father, 2. The character of the mother, 3. The nature of the teacher, 4. The character of the Satria, then, and the 4 who are united will become a powerful force to deal with everything.
The risks that have been taken to overcome the obstacles are of course sacrificing time and sacrificing personal property for the benefit of the Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom.
Every event that shapes the character of a king is getting stronger: Spiritual, Ritual and Sacred and Ceremonial Journeys Are events that can form good character through activities wherever we can come into contact with the relationship of Love, God, Earth, Water, Space and the Universe.
Al Qu’ran Nur Qarim, is a guide. If you don’t have to be retaliated against, treat the enemy as a human so that he can humanize himself so that he changes his lifestyle before and after.
Maharaja Kutai Mulawarman must know and study the contents of Kalpa (Kutai Mulawarman Royal Law) which is related to the 9 Kalpas of the Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom and do nothing without Kalpa Value.
There is no psychological impact for his wife and children after becoming maharaja, because sincerity in all things goes over time will be beautiful for society.
When times are difficult, there is always encouragement and support from Family, Relatives and all Members of the Kutai Mulawarman Royal Family and Royal friends.
The greatest influence of the Great Empress and the Great Empress Dowager who gives more Shade and Warmth to the Soul, Vision and Mission hopes to Build a Superior Nation Character and a Strong Nation by Reconciling the World.
RECORDED IN LIVING HISTORY AS THE PRESIDENT OF INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTO EDUCANDO PARA A PAZ CNPJ. 21.283.103/0001-86 NIRE : 35-8-1289459-5/ CNAE : 85.99-6/04 Communication on Engagement Instituto Educando Para a Paz and UN Global Compact Engajamento com Convenio Firmado com Maharaja de Kutai Mulawarman.
- https://chronosdaily.com/sejarah-kerajaan-kutai-mulawarman-penopang-kuat-ibukota-pindah-ke-kaltim/
- https://warisanbudayanusantara.com/2019/05/28/menujuh-indonesia-maju-kerjasama-membangun-kalimantan-timur/
- https://www.wartaexpress.com https://allbihartimes.wordpress.com
- https://wartanusantara2013.blogspot.com/2020/02/maharaja-kutai-mulawarman-hadiri-gebyar.html
- https://warisanbudayanusantara.com/2019/07/30/dirgahayu-keputraan-duli-maharaja-kutai-mulawarman-ke-45-dan-doa-bersama-anak-yatim-2
- https://warisanbudayanusantara.com/2019/05/24/pembesar-dan-penjawat-kekaisaran-kutai-mulawarma-bukber-bareng-1000-yatim-dan-dhuafa
- https://kutai.org
- https://wgeco.org
- https://www.unglobalcompact.org
- http://www.urgc-int.org/urgc-ambassadors.html
- https://www.worldroyalpeace.org
- https://edensorianotrinidad.com/unity-world-peace-poets/
- https://www.thece.club/about/presidents
- https://www.glunis.com/UA/Kyiv/868059896596794/World-Peace-Mission-and-Human-Rights-Academy
- https://aafmcenter.net/dr/about-us
- http://unasl.org
- https://www.worldroyalpeace.org \
- http://www.tripladifesa.eu/
- https://www.fowcaas.org/zhzz.html
- https://www.thehawk.in/world/vvip-interview-majesty-king-kutai-mulawarman-by-blogger-akanksha-saxena-142828
- https://korankaltim.com/breaking-news/read/10803/raja-labok-nobatkan-anaknya-sebagai-putra-mahkota-kerajaan-kutai-mulawarman