The History Of
Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom

Starting from the reign of the Sagara Kingdom which was previously the power of the Malayan Kingdom which in the Yupa inscription was called Pravatam Sadiva Malaya which in the 1st century was led by the Kings called Tahani during the reign of Tahani to VI had a son-in-law named Kudungga and his son-in-law also built a royal state with the name of the Kingdom of Sagara with its capital or Kutanegara named Bakulapura from the name Muara Kaman now so that in 1635 AD under the Power of the VOC and the Dutch East Indies, England and Japan and in 1945 under the Republic of Indonesia, in 2001 AD this Kingdom was revived through the enactment of Customary Law and Culture and was given the name KUTAI MULAWARMAN KINGDOM with 50 generations of kings to date.
The Sagara Kingdom is a Hindu kingdom in the archipelago which is the earliest kingdom in Indonesia. The Sagara Kingdom started from a regional kingdom called Sadiva Malaya which was founded in 17 AD and then received the arrival of Hindu priests from Barata (India).
The Sagara Kingdom adhered to Hinduism and became a large country in the 4th century (around 400 AD) with evidence of the discovery of 7 Yupa-shaped Inscription Pillars in Muara Kaman, Kutai Kertanegara Regency, East Kalimantan, Indonesia.
This kingdom is located in Muara Kaman, East Kalimantan, precisely in the upper reaches of the Mahakam River, the name Kutai is the name of an area called Quetaire which means a vast wilderness because this kingdom has a vast ocean and land.
Kutanegara is Bakulapura which means the meeting of two estuaries, which is called Muara Kaman.
Yupa Stone and Yoni Stone and Linga were built by “Brahmins”, which are now called Yupa Inscriptions.
Yupa’s name is mentioned in inscriptions found which indicate the existence of a royal pedestal that was built in the 4th century.
This religious culture was brought to Indonesia around the 2nd or 4th century, each of which was brought by the Warandewa Wangsa traders, namely Indian and Campa traders.
In the life of the dynasty or the descendants of the king still maintain traditions and ceremonies so that from the culture of Belian Belian Tanah, Belian Semega, Belian Tujuh Buka Walu and Sawai language, Indeed and Dondang and Dandeng and Neroyong Genealogies and customary law are still being reminded from generation to generation, the latest generation is only recorded in 1997 and completed in 1999 until 2011, the genealogy was registered in the register book of the District Court in Tenggarong.
The era of the Sagara Kingdom began during the reign of Maharaja Aswawarman, then became famous during the reign of Maharaja Sri Mulawarman in the 4th century. Whereas previously they were Sri Kudungga and the Tahani as Kings of the area.
The area that developed during the reign of Maharaja Sri Mulawarman, the people lived well and they felt at peace.
Under the colonial rule of the VOC which changed the political situation in the archipelago so that in 1635 the VOC power was eager to control the territory of the Kings by means of war.
Then after the VOC colonization and in the era of Indonesian independence, the kingdom was revived by the Government in an effort to preserve cultural traditions.
From 03 September 2001 to 09 September 2001.Located in Muara Kaman, CERAU was held, namely the Mulawarman Traditional Ceremony (UAM).
This ceremony is the Ascension of the ThroneMaharaja Srinala Praditha Alpiansyah Rechza Fachlevie Wangsawarman (Prof. M.S.P.A Iansyah Rechza. F.W, Ph.D) Maharaja Kutai Mulawarman, Great Ruler with Customary Law with the title, His Imperial Majesty Sovereign Emperor Kutai Mulawarman.
As Her Majesty Maharaja Srinila Karmila Perwati Dewi (Dr. M.S. Karmila., PD, Ph.D)
And Has The Crown Prince Of Maharaja Nala Indra Vachrucha Dilaya Who Was Ceremony On December 27, 2017.
KUTAI MULAWARMAN’S GENESIS OF THE KINGDOM Listed below is a series of various notes and information from sources who were empowered on 27 March 2011 by Maharaja Kutai Mulawarman, Prime Minister and Mangkubumi in the Word Towards Kutai Raya Semesta, dated 20 October 2011 in the history of Kutai, published on 03 August 2011 by Secretary General of the Indonesian Kutai Tribe Authorized by Maharaja Kutai Mulawarman, August 5, 2011 Listed in the Appendix Tracing the Stamped Lineage History in Kalpa Yogini Turangga dated September 3, 2001, and the Return of Organizing Life, Customs and Culture, Heritage of the Kingdom of Kutai Date, November 2, 2010 Has Been Registered in the Register Book Registrar of Laws at the Tenggarong District Court, 11 June 2012 No.W18-U4/III/HK.02.1/VI/2012 Signed by the Registrar/Secretary H.Iman Hayadi.SH. NIP. 19630913 198503 1 008 And approved by Maharaja Kutai Mulawarman.
Which Started From Ruling Shunga Ruled From 185 BCE-73 BCE Mastering Shunga Sanskrit: Or Sunga Was The Magadha Dynasty That Ruled Central And Eastern North India. Founded After The Fall Of The Maurya Dynasty. The Capital Of The River Was Pataliputra.
The River Was Replaced By The Kanva Dynasty Around The year 73 B.C. In Tambo, the history of the Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom, that the kings are the river will become kings and build the dynasty of the Warman dynasty (Wamsawarman), the Warman Dewa dynasty ruled the archipelago.
This genealogy is related to this lineage during the Maurya period in the government of Sri Maharaja Bhrihadrata in the Maghada Kingdom with the capital city Dipetaliputra In India, who fought with Mahasenopati Pusyamitra, who founded the Sunga dynasty, which gave birth to Maharaja Agnimitra, who built the city of Wisida and his descendants named Wasuma Mitra gave birth, Mitroga, whose son was Atwanga, who gave birth to Kudunga and Radjendra, brought down the kings of the archipelago.
This is that Mahasenopati Pusyamitra brought down the kings of the archipelago. Beginning with Emperor Pusyamitra Sunga (185 – 149 BC), Agnimitra (149 – 141 BC) Vasujyeshtha (141 – 131 BC), Vasumitra (131 – 124 BC), Andhraka (124 – 122 BC), Pulindaka (122 – 119 BC), Ghosha (119-108 BC), Vajramitra (108-94 BC), Bhagabhadra (94-83 BC), Devabhuti (83 – 73 BC) Who gave birth to Mitroga.
Based on sources from the Indian host kingdom Magadha that Devabhuti was stupid by the Kusuna dynasty, his descendants fled to the archipelago and then settled in one of the villages of Kutanegara and the kingdom of Bakulapura in Tanjung Negara.
According to the Book of Pusaka Radja-radja I Bumi Nusantara, it is stated that Mitrongga Lugubhumi, the Chief Resident / Penghulu Bakulapura and also a merchant traveled from one island to another, which gave birth to Attwangga, the Chief Resident / Penghulu Bakulapura and a merchant, married to Rani Spatikarnawadewi’s sister, Dewawarman’s wife to -VIII King Salakanagara, has two children. 1- Bhadrawarman becomes king in the kingdom of Lin Yi or Campa to marry Princess King Lin Yi or Campa. 2- Kudungga Banabya became the head of Bakulapura as well as Tahani VII.
Kudungga Banabya / Ga Dong Ga / Kundungga / Tahani VII married Princess Puan Gamboh who was the daughter of Tan Seredang / Tahani VI. While the titles of Raja Sri Narendrasya Kundunggasya Mahat Manah to Kundungga and Rani Sri Gabok to Puan Gamboh are honorary titles as the parents of Maharaja Sri Aswawarman, Kundungga is the cousin of Aswawarman who later became son-in-law after marrying his son, Kudungga in Sanskrit Kuṇḍungga IAST (Kunnddungga if standardized as Kundungga), Kundungga has a wife named Puan Gamboh who holds the title Rani Sri Gabok of the descent of Tahani (an ancient Malay kingdom name).
Emperor Sunga had a descendant named Mitrogga gave birth to Atwangga to marry the Maharani sister of King Dewawarman VII who gave birth to: 1. Radjendra (Radjendrawarman) became King of Campa (Cambodia). 2. Kudungga (Maharaja Sri Kudungga) Becomes King in Naladwiva (Kalimantan). 3. Princess Spatikarnawa is married to King Salakanegara Dewawarman VIII Sundapurwa (formerly West Java became Banten).
According to the Wangsakerta manuscript, Aki Tirem is the son of Ki Srengga, Ki Srengga is the son of Nyai Sariti Warawiri, Nyai Sariti Warawiri is the daughter of Sang Aki Bajulpakel, Aki Bajulpakel is the son of Aki Dungkul from southern Swarnabhumi and then lives in West Java, Aki Dungkul is the son of Ki Pawang Sawer, Ki Datuk Pawang Marga’s son Sawer sawer, Ki Bagang’s son Datuk Pawang Marga who lived in northern Swarnabhumi, Datuk Waling’s son Ki Bagang who lived on Hujung Mendini Island, Datuk Waling’s son Datuk Banda, he lived in a riverside hamlet, Nesan’s Datuk Banda, from Langkasungka. While his ancestors came from the western country of Yawana.
The story of Neroyong Bumbung Beratu is narrated that 1. Tan Minak Samburakai has the son of Tan Mampi. 2. Tan Mampi has a wife, Mrs. Tahani has a son, Tan Pihatu. 3. Tan Pihatu is married to Puan Putri Tumbuu and has a son Tan Meretam. 4. Tan Meretam begets Tan Tembayat. 5. Tan Tembayat begets Tan Seredang. 6. Tan Seredang has a daughter named Puan Gamboh Alis Putri Gabok who is married to King Cam’s younger sister, Cri Ga Dong Ga (Maharaja Sri Kudungga). Note that the title Tan is a title in the Malay nobility which means that Tan is Tuan is a very respectful title to the king and madam to the queen or princess and applies to their descendants.
The kingdom in Muara Kaman is called the Sagara Kingdom according to the evidence in the Yupa inscription and has changed its name in the 2001 Mulawarman Traditional Ceremony called CERAU. 2011 and further stated in Tenggarong, February 24, 2012. NO. W18-U4 / HK.02.1 / II / 2011 Maharaja Kutai Mulawarman Kalpa The Kingdom of Kutai Mulawarman has been registered at the Registrar’s Office of the Tenggarong District Court Signed by the Registrar / Secretary H. Iman Hayadi, SH. NIP 19630913 198503 1 008.
The genealogy of the Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom was strengthened by my authority on 27 March 2011 Signed by Mangkubumi, Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom, Dr. (HC) S.B.R.N. Rahmadi Wangsawarman, S.Pd., Ph.D and the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Kutai Mulawarman Dr. (HC) S.B.R.N. Arsil Martawarman, S.Pd., Ph.D and His Excellency Duli Sripaduka Maharaja Kutai Mulawarman The Great Ruler of the Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom Prof. DR. (H.C.) M.S.P.A. Iansyah Rechza. FW, Ph.D.
At the same time, the history of the Kutai tribe as a document of the Kutai tribe of East Kalimantan was made in Muara Kaman, August 3, 2011 signed by the Head of the Secretariat of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Kutai Mulawarman. (HC) S.B.R.N. Arie Danu Saputra, Ph.D. Based on the Arrangement of Indigenous Life and Cultural Heritage of the Kutai Kingdom which was carried out at the Congratulation Ceremony for the Crown Prince of Kutai Mulawarman Written in Tenggarong 2 November 2010 and in Tenggarong, 11 June 2012 NO. W18-U4 / 111 / HK.02.1 / VI / 2012 The genealogical history of the Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom has been recorded in the Tenggarong District Court Registrar’s Law Book signed by the Registrar/Secretary H. Iman Hayadi, SH. NIP 19630913 198503 1008.
About Maharaja Kutai Mulawarman as the holder of the Customary Law Counsel in the Mulawarman Traditional Ceremony Called CERAU MULAWARMAN, At the Mulawarman Traditional Ceremony Committee facing the Sultan of Kutai Kartanegara namely Sultan Haji Aji Muhammad Salehuddin II who approved the Mulawarman Traditional Ceremony with a letter dated September 1 2001 and gave his approval to M. Jaini Alias Oyak, a resident of Sabintulung Village to lead the Dewa Belian Mulawarman Traditional Ceremony from September 3-9, 2001 and the Committee’s Request to Nek Salma to carry out the Traditional Ceremony at the Lesong Batu Arena One Sunday before the Mulawarman Traditional Ceremony began. As well as the issue of the Will regarding the Strengthening of Power of Attorney and Number: 1. Specifically 03.09.2001 It is true that Rakni Titles Mahasuri Srinila Rakni Dewi Gari as Acting Officer of the Purus Inheritance of the Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom at the Mulawarman Traditional Ceremony and the Granting of the Power of Attorney of the Kutai Mulawarman Kingdom to A. Iansyah Rechza. F Title Maharaja Sri Nala Praditha Alpiansyah Rechza Fachlevie Wangsawarman that the two letters were originally shown at the Samarinda District Court which registered them with No. W18-U1 / 2339 / HK.02.3 / VII / 2012 and No. W18-U1 / 2341 / HK. 02.3 / VII / 2012 Signed. Deputy Registrar of Samarinda District Court Muhammad Makmun, SH.MH NIP. 19571122 198103 1004.
Muara Kaman Became a District Hoofd Area According to Records at the Muara Kaman Sub-district Office, namely in 1905 and only in 1906, the Oost Borneo Resident, headquartered in Banjarmasin, only appointed Aji Raden Ario Sastro as the Head of Onderdistrict in Muara Kaman.
Before that, Muara Kaman did not have many buildings because most of the people lived in Lanting or Raft houses, namely floating houses on the river. Since 1635-1905 Muara Kaman was not turned into a city because Nala Perana Putera of Maharaja Derma Setiya was no longer possible to build a ruined kingdom. Torn by an attack from a foreign ship cannon that ravaged the city of Muara Kaman and a Hindu shrine in Tanjung Gelumbang. Community leaders who lived in Lanting-Lanting, after the death of Nala Perana, were replaced by Nala Lion, her son who had a son named Nala Yuda, who gave birth to Nala Marta and was replaced His son, Nala Mayang, who is a brother and sister of Menamang, is named Wangsa Muda.
Nala Mayang has 2 children, each of whom is known to be named Lingka, Nala Pati and Nala Perana, just as Nala Perana had a child named Pendaik who gave birth to Haji Mustafa, who had a daughter named Ratu Purnama who became the wife of Sultan Aji Muhammad Soeleman to become the Sultan of Tenggarong. Meanwhile, Lingka’s Nala Pati has a child named Danda Nala Guna who gave birth to Maja’s title Nala Raja Tuha. Who has a child named Salong with Nala Mayang gave birth to Kerincing alias Srinala Wangsawarman. As Maja Titled Nala Raja Tuha Bin Danda Titled Nala To Give Birth: 1. Salong Titled Nala Mayang, 2. Tapa, 3. Tira, 4. Seta, 5. Salar, 6. Dita, 7. Dira.
Muara Kaman Became a District Hoofd Area According to Records at the Muara Kaman Sub-district Office, namely in 1905 and only in 1906, the Oost Borneo Resident, headquartered in Banjarmasin, only appointed Aji Raden Ario Sastro as the Head of Onderdistrict in Muara Kaman.
Before that, Muara Kaman did not have many buildings because most of the people lived in Lanting or Raft houses, namely floating houses on the river. Since 1635-1905 Muara Kaman was not turned into a city because Nala Perana Putera of Maharaja Derma Setiya was no longer possible to build a ruined kingdom. Torn by an attack from a foreign ship cannon that ravaged the city of Muara Kaman and a Hindu shrine in Tanjung Gelumbang. Community leaders who lived in Lanting-Lanting, after the death of Nala Perana, were replaced by Nala Lion, her son who had a son named Nala Yuda, who gave birth to Nala Marta and was replaced His son, Nala Mayang, who is a brother and sister of Menamang, is named Wangsa Muda.
Nala Mayang has 2 children, each of whom is known to be named Lingka, Nala Pati and Nala Perana, just as Nala Perana had a child named Pendaik who gave birth to Haji Mustafa, who had a daughter named Ratu Purnama who became the wife of Sultan Aji Muhammad Soeleman to become the Sultan of Tenggarong. Meanwhile, Lingka’s Nala Pati has a child named Danda Nala Guna who gave birth to Maja’s title Nala Raja Tuha. Who has a child named Salong with Nala Mayang gave birth to Kerincing alias Srinala Wangsawarman. As Maja Titled Nala Raja Tuha Bin Danda Titled Nala To Give Birth: 1. Salong Titled Nala Mayang, 2. Tapa, 3. Tira, 4. Seta, 5. Salar, 6. Dita, 7. Dira.
Based on National Legal Provisions Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia Number AHU-0067708.AH.01.07 Year 2016 Date, 16 July 2016 Concerning the Kingdom of Kutai Mulawarman. International legal provisions in the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Registration Areas of Expertise and Fields of Economic and Social Activities, Culture, Human Rights, Indigenous Peoples, Information, Justice View General 2016 Kingdom of Kutai Mulawarman with the Register UN CSO-Ner – 380945 UNDSS M-1-7939913881 UN VOLUNTEERS-1878931 UN SD GOALS PARTNERSHIPS PLATFORM 36387.
Natural signs according to tradition in Muara Kaman
Source; Arsil said
Natural sign
- In the sky
– The black clouds in the west are extinguished, the sun is out, a sign of a great flood.
– Curly or ring clouds or cumulonimbus clouds, bright sun or late morning
07:00-10:00 a sign of the arrival of drought, cloudy clouds, a sign of even rain, Mahakam water.
– If the dolphin goes upstream, it means the water will rise.
– If the dolphins go downstream, it means the water is receding, bangar fish appear on the surface of the water, water
– If there is a long dry season, mold or shells arise, the water is clear
- Sign on the ground
– When the water recedes, the kereme or beach worms emit a fragrant aroma.
– When the water rises the kereme or the beach worm sinks.
– If there is a long dry season, mold or shells arise, the water is clear
Brahma / Brahmā
According to Vedic teachings, Brahma (Sanskrit: ; IAST: Brahmā) is the creator God. In Adwaita philosophy, he is seen as one of the manifestations of Brahman (the title of God in the concept of Hinduism) which has the title as the creator God. Lord Brahma is often mentioned in the Upanishads and the Bhagavadgita.
Dewa Brahma is depicted as a divine figure with four faces facing the four cardinal directions (Caturmukha Brahma) which symbolizes the power of Chess Veda, Catur Yuga (four cycles of time), Catur Warna (four divisions of society based on skills).
He is depicted as an old man with a beard who has the meaning of the ancestor of the entire universe, has four hands that hold tools such as:
– Aksamala (tasbih): a symbol of no beginning and no end.
– Sruk (big spoon), and Surva (ordinary spoon) symbol of yadnya ceremony.
– Kamandalu (jug) symbol of immortality.
– Libraries which are symbols of Science.
He rides the Hamsa (Swan) which is a symbol of wisdom, and the ability to sort out good and bad. Sometimes he is also depicted sitting in a meditative state on the Padma flower (lotus) which is a symbol of inner and outer purity, the vehicle: Swan.
Vishnu / Viṣṇu
Vishnu in the Vedic teachings, Vishnu (Sanskrit: ; IAST: Viṣṇu) (also called Sri Vishnu or Nārāyana) is a God who has the title as a shtiti (maintainer) who is in charge of maintaining and protecting all creations of Brahman (God Almighty). This Vishnu statue is depicted standing upright with samabangha (straight) feet. The head of the statue is wearing a Kiritamakuta.
He has four hands, which in his right back hand carries chakra, but his condition is now broken. On the back left hand carries Sangka. While the left front hand carries the club and the right front hand has now been severed. The other attributes that can be seen are the arms wearing keyura (shoulder clasps), bracelets in three layers, necklaces, upavita, anklets, manikam belts and wearing a bushana from the hips to above the knees. From the manner used, it is identified that this statue is the statue of Lord Vishnu.
Vishnu’s necklace which is the badge of the kingdom of Segara
Vishnu’s necklace made of gold with a relief of the god Vishnu or Tumbeuw (tumbau in Kutai language) with two peacocks which are birds have beauty in their feathers so that the feathers of Sang Krishna use the feather decoration as a headdress.
Segara kingdom Uncal necklace
The Uncal necklace is a royal badge in Muara Kaman which has a relief in the Ramayana story made of gold weighing 170 grams, it is told that Sang Rama was shooting an uncal or a deer which turned out to be the incarnation of Marica (a giant follower of Ravana) who was turning into Uncal ( deer), to bring Rama to the forest
Marica in the form of Uncal cursed Rama that his descendants were cursed. In this danger, Rama had children named Kusa and Lawa, then in order not to be cursed, Rama asked Lord Vishnu to avoid the curse of Marica in the form of Uncal, then Resi Walwiki on the instructions of Lord Vishnu took his sandals (sandals) on both his feet to be used as amulets (antidote) to protect Kusa and Lawa, then made a pendant with a relief of Sang Rama shooting Uncal (deer) in the forest, a badge uncal there are two; one inherited from the Segara Kingdom and the one in the Kingdom of Sri Lanka, that’s history.
The Greatness of Maharaja Sri Mulawarman’s Necklace, Uncal’s Necklace is now stored in the Mulawarman State Museum, which is a sacred object of the Sagara kingdom.
Shiva / Siva
Shiva (Sanskrit: ; IAST: iva) is one of the three main gods (Trimurti) in the Vedic teachings. The other two gods are Brahma and Vishnu. In the Vedic teachings, Shiva is the god of melting, tasked with smelting everything that is obsolete and unfit to be in the mortal world anymore so it must be returned to its origin.
Followers of the teachings of the Vedas, believe that Lord Shiva has characteristics that are in accordance with his character, namely:
– Four-armed, each carrying:
– Tri Wahyudi, fir, prayer beads/genitri, jug
– Three-eyed (tri netra)
– On his headdress there is Ardha Chandra (crescent moon)
– Belt made of tiger skin
– Decoration on the neck of a cobra
– Nandini’s oxen vehicle
By the teachings of the Vedas, Lord Shiva is worshiped in the temple, as the god who returns humans and other living beings to their elements, becoming Panca Maha Bhuta. In Dewata Nawa Sanga (Nawa Dewata), Lord Shiva occupies the middle direction with five colors. He is armed with lotus and rides Nandini’s ox. The sacred characters I and Yes. He is worshiped in the temple. In other Indonesian traditions, Lord Shiva is sometimes referred to as Batara Guru. Adya / Shiva / Center / All Colors (Light) = fusion of oneness.
The god of smelting, the god of destruction Other names: Jagatpati, Nilakantha, Paramêśwara, Rudra, Trinetra Shankara, Bholenath, Mahesha, Mahadeva, weapon: Trident, vehicle: Nandini Ox.
Rishi Agastya / Rishi Agasty
Agastya (Sanskrit: ; IAST: Agasty) (also called Anggasta, Akkhot) was a sage from South India. In the history of the spread of the Vedic teachings, Rishi Agastya is very famous for his services. According to the Puranas and Mahabharata, he was born in Kasi ( Benares ) as a devout follower of Shiva.
Because of the greatness and holiness of Maha Rsi Agastya, it is also called Batara Guru as the embodiment of Shiva in the world of teaching dharma. In the history of the Vedic teachings in Indonesia, Maha Rsi Agastya was sanctified by name in ancient inscriptions and literatures.
Agastya is a sage figure who is referred to as one of the saptaresi. Agastya tasked with spreading Hinduism from India to the south (Indonesia and Malaya). Due to his great service in spreading the Hindu religion of Saiwa, Agastya is considered a representation of Shiva.
The statue of Agastya is depicted as an old man with a thick beard and mustache; have a tundilla belly (bulge); wearing attributes, among others, jatamakuta, camara, aksamala, kamandalu, and trident.
Nandiswara / Nandiśvara
Nandiswara (Sanskrit: ; IAST: Nandiśvara) is a character in Hindu mythology. In Java, this figure is carved next to the entrance of a Shivaistic temple, with his partner, Mahakala. These two figures are considered as emanations or emanations of Shiva and are regarded as door guards.
Nandiswara as an aspect of Nandi in anthropomorphic form (human form), is in charge of guarding the entrance of the temple on the right. The statue is in a standing position, behind there is a siraschakra. Two-handed, right hand bent up in front of carrying a camara, left hand hanging down beside the waist carrying a jug. On the right is a trident.
Mahakala / Mahākāla
Mahakala (Sanskrit: ; IAST: Mahākāla) known as the god of destruction is depicted in the form of krodha (angry/fearful), the attributes that are usually carried are mace, kadga, paśa, and snake. Mahakala’s stomach looks slender, Mahakala’s broad face has medium eyes, wide snub nose and thick lower lip with fangs from the upper jaw, Mahakala is bare-chested wearing a necklace around his short neck, cloth with large folds gathered below the navel , with his head held high and his face calm, his right hand wielding a sword that is facing below the navel, with his left gripping the tip of the mace that touches the ground, Mahakala’s legs are slightly open, indicating a body that is alert and ready to fight whenever a threat arises, in the Astana building. The statue, the Mahakala statue occupies the niche to the left of the Astana Arca entrance.
Kartikeya / Kārtikeya
Kartikeya (Sanskrit: ; Kārtikeya) (also called Skanda, Murugan and Kumara) Grayish black with clear carvings. The Kartikeya statue is depicted wearing jatamakuta jewelry, hara (necklace), kundala (earrings), cloth tied around the waist, bracelets on hands and feet, and riding a peacock as his vahana.
Kartikeya is worshiped as the son of Lord Shiva and is known as the god of war who is worshiped in circumstances or situations where natural conditions are not friendly. Kartikeya has various names including, Kumara, Muruga, Subrahmanya, Sanmukha, Shadanana, Skanda, and Guha.
Ganesha / Ganea
Ganesha (Sanskrit: ; IAST: Ganeśa) is one of the most well-known and widely worshiped deities. He has the title as the God of knowledge and intelligence, the God of protection, the God of repelling evil or disaster and the God of wisdom. Lord Ganesha has the head of an elephant so it is easy to identify.
In addition to having an elephant’s head, another main feature is the trunk, which is sucking the contents of the bowl in his hand. The meaning of the form of the Ganesha statue is knowledge that never runs out. The contents of the bowl in his hand are likened to knowledge that is continuously sucked in and will never run out. Ganesha is also an emanation of Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara from the side of Buddha.
Durga / Durga
Durga (Sanskrit: ; IAST: Durgā) The statue of Durga is a Hindu mythological figure who is famous for being very beautiful and brave and is also the partner of Lord Shiva, He is also known as Mahisasura Mardini which means the conqueror of Asuras.
This statue wears a crown (Kiritamakuta) which is in the form of spun hair arranged like a turban rising upwards, uses a sash (upavita), wears necklaces (hara), earrings (kundala), shoulder straps (keyura), wears an unadorned belt (kancidama). ), the statue is decorated with a circle that adorns the back (praba). Four-handed, the back left hand holds the camara, the back right hand holds the tasbih (aksamala), the right hand in front of the wrist is missing/damaged, and the right hand wears a bracelet (kankana).
Jambhala (Sanskrit: ; IAST: Jambhala) is a figure who is depicted as a god of prosperity. The characteristics of Jambhala include having a distended stomach, having two or four hands, each hand carrying a matulunga (jambhira / jambhara), a mace, nakula, Kapala, kamandalu, sankha, lotus, and a treasure bag. The statue is on top of the padmasana and is surrounded by a vase or coffer that is below it, sometimes it is also placed on an asana plinth. Jambhala is the figure of the god of prosperity who is placed parallel to Dhyani-Boddhisattva which means also in a high position. Apart from being the god of prosperity, Jambhala also plays the Bodhisattva of Compassion. There are five different Jambhalas, each with different practices and heart mantras that can eradicate poverty and create financial stability. guardian of the Buddhist Dharma (dharmapala). Jambhala as prosperity is described as having the posture of ardhaparyanka, pralambapada, or lalita whose eyes are fully open and staring at the worshiper, and objects associated with wealth, prosperity, or fertility.
Linga (Sanskrit: ; IAST: Linga) is a statue or statue, which is an object of worship or prayer center in the Vedic tradition. The word linga is usually an abbreviation of Siwalingga and is an upright object, this object is a symbol of fertility.
Wajrapani / Vajrapāṇi
Wajrapani (Sanskrit IAST: Vajrapāṇi) (from Sanskrit: Vajra, “thunderbolt” or “diamond” and pāṇi, literally: “to grasp”) is one of the earliest bodhisattvas in the Buddhist school. He is the protector and guide of Buddha, and appears as a symbol of Buddha’s power. Vajrapani is a Bodhisattva.
Tara / Tārā
Tara (Sanskrit: ; IAST: Tārā) is a bodhisattva in the Buddhist school. The name Tara comes from the word Tar which means to cross, Tara helps in the process of crossing the sea. White Tara is the companion of Avalokistesvara her right hand is in a giving position and on her left hand is a bunch of blooming lotus flowers.
Tara as Amoghasiddhi’s companion, she sits in the paryankasana position with her left hand in a giving position and her right hand holding a lotus with a visva vajra on it.
This bodhisattva consists of 3 separate parts, namely the statue, the base and the backrest. The tara statue is made of silver and the base and backrest are made of bronze. The statue of Tara sits in a cross-legged position on a foundation in the form of a lotus flower/padmasana. The right hand is in the member/varamudra position while the left hand carries a lotus flower that extends to the shoulder. Using decorations in the form of a three-tiered crown, earrings, necklaces, shoulder straps, body straps, belts, bracelets and anklets.
Peripih is something that is buried to draw energy from the universe, buried by the builders of Astana Arca, there is stuffing in the peripih for the nine-way symbol, the find of peripih is that an Astana statue was built, measuring 20 cm x 20 cm intact, the inventor is named Wen.
Nandi (Sanskrit: ; IAST: Nandi) is an ox that is the vehicle of Lord Shiva in Vedic mythology. He is also the caretaker of Shiva and Parvati. Astana Arca which has a statue of Nandi is usually categorized as Astana Arca for worshiping the Vedic teachings of Shiva. She is also a teacher.
Upapita and Ringkau are known as Tali Juwita in the Segara kingdom
The Juwita rope is a symbol of the Caste Rope, this rope is a series of three ropes made of silver, bronze and gold symbolizing the Purus rope called Kemmuulan, dangling reason, this rope is also a symbol of sacred, ritual and serial relationships in the Yadnya Bhagirata Upakara, namely the Maharaja Coronation Ceremony which symbolizes power so that it connects the Maharaja and his origin or ancestors or ancestors is symbolized by a gold colored rope and connects the Maharaja with the reason or the guardians of nature, the Juwita rope is also a purus rope which in Upakara Maharaja descends with body, worships Tihang Pinang Ayu which consists of Songkoh Tan Pihatu and Tihang Rebak Pinang Ayu tied with yellow, red, and white cindé ropes which symbolize the four groups of society at that time (Pandita, Raja, Satria, Indigenous people) at the end of the juwita rope tied to the songkoh there are two lumps on the left and right of the Juwita rope there are each ri ngkau (bracelet) decorated with gems made of gold.
In the Upakara Berpelas Raga worship of Rebak Pinang Ayu is also related to the mystical story of the relationship with Putri Silu, who was a swindler of the Gulf of Overseas rivers, who then Silu moved to Segara Kidul and became Rani there, leaving her brother, namely Sayus as the eldest brother, Songo the second, Silu the third. , tassel nenang the fourth brother, Sinaning the sixth brother and the youngest Sentang as a giver of signs for life, namely natural signs to the Maharaja of his era.
Dates (Sanskrit: ; IAST: Dates) also called Akupa or turtles appear as one of the various incarnations of Lord Vishnu to the world (avatara) to save the universe from catastrophic disasters. and hence the name ‘Kurmawatara’ – formed from two words: ‘dates’ and ‘awatara’.
Characteristics of the statue in the form of a human body:
– Intertwined fingers / Mudra
– Certain body postures / Asanas
– Mystical poetry / Dharani
– True Words / Mantras
– Yoga Concentration
The story of Maharaja Sri Mulawarman’s family:
Kudungga Banabya the son of Attwangga, Attwangga the son of Mitrongga Lugubhumi, Mitrongga Lugubhumi came from the Sunga Magadha dynasty in Bharatawarsa, as a result of the Sunga dynasty being defeated by the Kusana dynasty, Bakulapura on Earth Tanjung Nagara House of the Magadha River in Bharatawarsa River King List :
– Puśyamitra Sunga (185-149 BC)
– Agnimitra (149-141 BC)
– Vasujyeśtha (141- 131 BC)
– Vasumitra (131-124 BC)
– Bhadraka (124-122 BC)
– Pulindaka (122-119 BC)
– Ghosha (119-108 BC)
– Vajramitra (108-94 BC)
– Bhagabhadra (94-83 BC)
– Devabhuti (83-73 BC)
(source from hostkingdom india Magadha.
Devabhuti was defeated by the Kusuna dynasty, his descendants fled to the archipelago and then settled on one of the islands in the village of Kutanegara and founded the Bakulapura Kingdom in Tanjung Negara.
– Mitrongga Lugubhumi, Chief Resident / Penghulu Bakulapura and also merchants traveling from one island to another.
– Attwangga, Chief Resident / Penghulu Bakulapura and merchant, married the older sister of Rani Spatikarnawadewi, wife of Dewawarman Raja Salakanagara, has two children.
– Bhadravarman becomes king in Lin Yi kingdom or Campa takes Princess King Lin Yi or Campa.
– Kudungga Banabya becomes the head of Bakulapura and also Holds VII
– Kudungga Banabya / Ga Dong Ga / Kundungga / Tahani VII married Princess Puan Gamboh who was the daughter of Tan Seredang / Tahani VI.
While the title of King Sri Narendrasya Kundunggasya Mahat Manah to Kundungga and Rani Sri Gabok to Princess Puan Gamboh is an honorary title as the parent of Maharaja Sri Aswawarman, Kundungga is Mr. Cousin Aswawarman who later became son-in-law after marrying his son, Kudungga in Sanskrit Kuṇḍungga IAST (Kunnddungga if standardized as Kundungga), Kundungga has a wife named Putri Puan Gamboh with the title Rani Sri Gabok descent of Tahani (ancient Malay kingdom name).
List of prisoners in Malaya
1. Minak Tan Samburakai Tahani I (17-78 AD)
2. Tan Mampi Tahani II (78-139 AD)
3. Tan Pihatu Tahani III (139-214 AD) was married to Putri Tumbuu
4. Tan Meretam Tahani IV (214-263 AD)
5. Tan Tembayat Tahani V (263-313 AD)
6. Tan Seredang Tahani VI (313-350 AD)
7. Princess Puan Gamboh is married to Ga Dong Ga / Kundungga Tahani VII has 4 children
– Princess Mayang eldest
– Princess Ragel Mayang
– Princess Mayang Sari
– Princess Gari is married to Vangsakarrta / Svavarmmo / Aswawarman
8.Putri Gari is married to Vangsakarrta / Svavarmmo / Aswawarman / Segara I
– Wangseragen Titled Sri Maharaja Mulawarman / Segara II
– Wangsejenjat Titled Sri Maharaja Kaundinya Jayavarman married Princess Raja
Fan of Sun King 3rd Funan on Oc Eo, Sri Maharaja Kaundinya Jayavarman as The 4th King Funan had the son of Gunawarman, Gunawarman had the son of Daputa Hyang title Sri Jayanasa
– My Wangsete has the title of Resi Gunawarman in the Sakanegara Kingdom.
Aswawarman is the son of King Salakanagra and is the son-in-law of Tahani and then founded a kingdom called Segara after conquesting other kingdoms, so Aswawarman performed the Upakara Yadnya Asmawedha and Aswawarman became Maharaja with the title Sri Maharaja Aswawarman, then became Segara I.
(source: Tutur Neroyong Ganda Kusuma).
The reign of the Segara Kingdom from 297-1527 C.E. or 375-1635 CE:
- Maharaja Sri Aswawarman Segara I ruled from 297-322 S/375-400 AD.
- Maharaja Sri Mulawarman Naladewa Segara II ruled from 322-368 S/400-446 AD
- Maharaja Sri Nala Wangsawarman Segara III ruled from 368-471 S/446-495 AD
- Maharaja Marawijayawarman Segara IV ruled from 471-S/495-543 AD
- Maharaja Gajayanawarman Segara V ruled from -512 S/543-590 AD
- Maharaja Wijaya Tunggawarman Segara VI ruled from 512-559 S/590-637 AD
- Maharaja Jaya Tungga Nagawarman Segara VII ruled from 559-608 S/637-686 AD
- Maharaja Nala Singawarman Segara VIII ruled from 608-658 S/686-736 CE
- Maharaja Nala Perana Tungga Warmandewa Segara IX ruled from 658-705 S/736-783 AD
- Maharaja Gadingga Warmandewa Segara X ruled from 705-758 S/783-836 AD
- Maharaja Indra Warmandewa Segara XI ruled from 758-801 S/832-879 AD
- Maharaja Singa Wirama Warmandewa Segara XII ruled from 801-848 S/879-926 AD
- Maharaja Singa Wirgala Warmandewa Segara XIII ruled from 848-849 S/926-972 AD
- Maharaja Cendera Warmandewa Segara XIV ruled from 849-942 S/972-1020 AD
- Maharaja Prabu Mula Tunggaldewa Segara XV ruled from 942-991 S/1020-1069 AD
- Maharaja Nala Indradewa Segara XVI ruled from 991-1033 S/1069-1111 AD
- Maharani Mayang Mulawarni or Puan Putri Aji Pidara Putih Segara XVII ruled from 1033-1088 S/1111-1166 AD
- Maharaja Indra Mulia Tungga Warmandewa Segara XVIII ruled from 1088-1136S/1166-1214M
- Maharaja Sri Lankadewa Segara XIX reigned from 1136-1187 S/1214-1265 AD
- Maharaja Guna Parana Tungga Segara XX ruled from 1187-1247 S/1265-1325 AD
- Nala Duta (Guardian King’s Council) reigned from 1247-1259 S/1325-1337 CE
- Maharaja Wijaya Warman or Tan Reniq Segara XXI ruled from 1259-1295 S/1337-1373 AD
- Maharaja Indra Mulia Segara XXII ruled from 1295-1329 S/1373-1407 AD
- Maharaja Sri Ajidewa Segara XXIII ruled from 1329-1347 S/1407-1425 AD
- Maharaja Mulia Putra XXIV reigned from 1347-1375 S/1425-1453 AD
- Maharaja Nala Pradita immediately XXV 1375-1431 S/1453-1509 AD
- Maharaja Indra Paruta Segara XXVI 1431-1453 S/1509-1534 AD
- Maharaja Dharma Setia Segara XXVII 1453-1557 S/1534-1635 AD also ruled at the same time as Maharaja Setia Guna and Maharaja Setia Yuda
Penjawat purus Maharaja Sri Mulawarman in 1635 AD – 2021 AD
- Srinala Perana (1635-1663)
- Srinala Singga (1663-1687)
- Srinala Singa Yuda (1687-1699)
- Srinala Marta (1699-1707)
- Srinala Mayang (1707-1710)
- Srinala Pati Lingka (1710-1720)
- Srinala Guna Danda (1720-1771)
- Srinala Raja Tuha Maja (1771-1809)
- Srinala Mayang Salong (1809-1852)
- Srinala Kerincing Wangsa Warman (1852-1900)
- Srinala Jamal Wangsa Dipura (1900-1937)
- Srinila Dedong Indra Mulia Sadewi (1937-1959)
- Srinala Maskoer Prabu Wangsawarman (1959-1976)
- Srinila Rakni Dewi Gari 1976-2001
- Maharaja Srinala Praditha Alpiansyah Rechza Fachlevie Wangsawarman 2001- Putra Mahkota Maharaja Muda Nala Indra Fachrucha Dilaya 2017
Aswawarman’s ancestors were King Dewawarman I of Salakanagara Kingdom, titled Prabu Darmalokapala Raja Dewawarman Haji Raksa Gapura Sagara, Came from Pallawa, Bharata (Descendants of Yayati, Paurawa dynasty, Bharata dynasty, Kingdom of Hastinapura) during the reign of King Dewawarman, formed the Parahyangan Complex / Sacred Place which is the Anarca Palace / Arca Place, the Parahyangan that was built was very small, all around 24 Parahyangan showed that there were Buddhist elements, were royal envoys/ambassadors who had traveled to the area: Mendini, Bumi Sopala, Yuwana Sangka, the Kingdom of China (china), Abasid (Mesopotamia). Then founded the Kingdom of Salakanegara (Silver Country) as king for 38 years from 130 AD to 168 AD (52 Caka – 90 Caka).
Brother of King Dewawarman I
– The name Senapati Bahadura Harigana Jayasakti was appointed king at Mandala Ujung Kulon,
– The name Sweta Liman Sakti became king in the Tanjung Kidul area with the capital city of Agrabhintapura.
Wife of King Dewawarman I
– Princess of Bengal
– Pwohaci Larasati Daughter of Father named Aki Tirem and Mother
Son of King Dewawarman I
- Prabu Digwijayakasa Raja Dewawarmanputra and became King Dewawarman II who ruled from 168 AD – 195 AD, He married the daughter of the King Singala family (Sri Lanka)
- a son became King Dewawarman III with the title Sangasagara Bimayasawirya, reigned from 195 AD – 238 AD.
In the territory of the Salakanagara Kingdom, there is Mandala Kosala, this population comes from the Mahacarapada Kingdom which was defeated by Magadha, Buddhists and Jania.
King Dewawarman III with the title Sangasagara Bimayasawirya
Daughter of King Dewawarman III
– Tirta Lengkara, married the King of Ujung Kulon named Darma Satyanagara who later succeeded his father-in-law to become King Dewawarman IV, who ruled from 238 AD – 252 AD
Tirta Lengkara
Princess Tirta Lengkara
– Mahisasuramardini Warmandewi married Darmastayajaya who later became King Dewawarman V who ruled for 24 years 252 AD – 276 AD, at that time, King Dewawarman V doubled as Senapati Sarwajala (commander of the Navy) who died when facing pirates, was shot from behind. His reign was continued by his wife until the year 276 AD – 289 AD. King Dewawarman V was called Sang Mokteng Samudera = deceased in the ocean.Aswawarman’s ancestors were King Dewawarman I of Salakanagara Kingdom, titled Prabu Darmalokapala Raja Dewawarman Haji Raksa Gapura Sagara, Came from Pallawa, Bharata (Descendants of Yayati, Paurawa dynasty, Bharata dynasty, Kingdom of Hastinapura) during the reign of King Dewawarman, formed the Parahyangan Complex / Sacred Place which is the Anarca Palace / Arca Place, the Parahyangan that was built was very small, all around 24 Parahyangan showed that there were Buddhist elements, were royal envoys/ambassadors who had traveled to the area: Mendini, Bumi Sopala, Yuwana Sangka, the Kingdom of China (china), Abasid (Mesopotamia). Then founded the Kingdom of Salakanegara (Silver Country) as king for 38 years from 130 AD to 168 AD (52 Caka – 90 Caka).
Brother of King Dewawarman I
– The name Senapati Bahadura Harigana Jayasakti was appointed king at Mandala Ujung Kulon,
– The name Sweta Liman Sakti became king in the Tanjung Kidul area with the capital city of Agrabhintapura.
Wife of King Dewawarman I
– Princess of Bengal
– Pwohaci Larasati Daughter of Father named Aki Tirem and Mother
Son of King Dewawarman I
- Prabu Digwijayakasa Raja Dewawarmanputra and became King Dewawarman II who ruled from 168 AD – 195 AD, He married the daughter of the King Singala family (Sri Lanka)
- a son became King Dewawarman III with the title Sangasagara Bimayasawirya, reigned from 195 AD – 238 AD.
In the territory of the Salakanagara Kingdom, there is Mandala Kosala, this population comes from the Mahacarapada Kingdom which was defeated by Magadha, Buddhists and Jania.
King Dewawarman III with the title Sangasagara Bimayasawirya
Daughter of King Dewawarman III
– Tirta Lengkara, married the King of Ujung Kulon named Darma Satyanagara who later succeeded his father-in-law to become King Dewawarman IV, who ruled from 238 AD – 252 AD
Tirta Lengkara
Princess Tirta Lengkara
– Mahisasuramardini Warmandewi married Darmastayajaya who later became King Dewawarman V who ruled for 24 years 252 AD – 276 AD, at that time, King Dewawarman V doubled as Senapati Sarwajala (commander of the Navy) who died when facing pirates, was shot from behind. His reign was continued by his wife until the year 276 AD – 289 AD. King Dewawarman V was called Sang Mokteng Samudera = deceased in the ocean.
Mahisasuramardini Warmandewi
Son of Mahisasuramardini Warmandewi
– Prabu Ganayanadewa reigned for 19 years from 289 AD – 308 AD, with an Indian princess.
King Ganayanadewa
Son of King Ganayanadewa
– A son became King Dewawarman VII, who had the title Prabu Bima Digwijaya Satyaganapati, ruled Salakanagara from 308 AD – 340 AD.
King Dewawarman VII, who has the title Prabu Bima Digwijaya Satyaganapati,
The eldest daughter of King Dewawarman VII
– Spatikarnawa Warmandewi and her husband would later become King Dewawarman VIII. Because the eldest daughter was not married, in 340 she was crowned Rani (Queen) of Salakanagara. In 348 he married a king with the title Prabu Darmawirya Raja Dewawarman. He ruled from 348 – 363 AD. It was during this reign that it reached its peak, the fertile and prosperous country greatly promoted religious life, such as the Vishnu religion, some worshiped Shiva, some worshiped Ganesha and some worshiped Shiva, Vishnu, and the most adherents. is Ganesha or Ganapati. The people’s livelihood is hunting, farming, trading, and fishing.
Rani Spatikarnawa Warmandewi (sister of Attwangga Raja Segara’s wife in Bakulapura)
Sons and daughters of Rani Spatikarnawa Warmandewi
– Iswari Tunggal Pertiwi Warmandewi or Dewi Minawati, this beautiful princess later married by Maharesi Jayasingawarman Gurudarmapurusa or Rajadirajaguru, the first king of Tarumanagara
– Aswawarman, Aswawarman lived with his cousin since childhood, namely Sang Kundungga, the ruler of Bakulapura, then betrothed to the daughter of Sang Kundungga
– Dewi Indari who later married Maharesi Santanu, the first King Indraprahasta.
– King Dewawarman IX under the Kingdom of Tarumanagara
(King Dewawarman VIII had two consorts, the first was Rani Spatikarnawadewi who gave birth to kings in West Java and Bakulapura. The second consort was Candralocana the daughter of a brahmin from Calankayana in India, who descended kings in Sumatra, Peninsular and Central Java).
Lineage Order
- King Dewawarman I married Pwohaci Larasati Putri Aki Tirem
- King Dewawarman III with the title Sangasagara Bimayasawirya
- Tirta Lengkara
- Mahisasuramardini Warmandewi
- King Ganayanadewa
- King Dewawarman VII, who holds the title Prabu Bima Digwijaya Satyaganapati.
- Rani Spatikarnawa Warmandewi
- Aswawarman
The Origin of Aki Tirem
Aki Tirem has the title Aki Agung Mulya (Belief Pitarapuja worships Hyang Tunggal Sania’s teachings) also called Paguru / Penghulu Dukuh Pulasari on the west coast of the tip of Kulon / the tip of Java Island, namely Teluk Lada pandeglang / Banten, he lives on Mount Kailasa and his place of worship is at the top of the beads, Aki Tirem has a child Pwahaci Larasati, Pwahaci Larasati is married to a foreigner named Devavarmma Trade Ambassador from Pallava Country, Bharata (South India), Devavarmma is Aki Tirem’s successor after his death and changed the penghulu system to a Royal system, Devavarmma became the First King and named Salakanagara (State) Silver) In 130 AD (Bringer of Shiva Religion – Buddha)
Aki Tirem is the son of Nyai Sariti, his father’s name is Ki Swara, Ki Swara’s son Nyai Sawiri, Nyai Sawiri’s daughter Ki Bajul Pakel, Ki Bajul Pakel’s son Ki Dungkul, Ki Dungkul’s son Ki Pawang Sawer in Swarna Bumi Selatan, Ki Pawang Sawer, Ki Pawang Sawer Putra Ki Pawang Marga, Son Ki Pawang Marga Putra Datuk Banda in Swarna Bumi, Malacca Strait, Putra Datuk Banda Putra Datuk Waling in Hujung Mandiri (Malaysia), Datuk Waling Yawana Barat.
– Rajnyarajya I Bhumi Nusantara Library
– Library of Pararatwan I Bhumi Jawadwipa
– Sundanese folklore
Information from Chinese hoa That the Monk Faxien who came from Sri Lanka in the year 366 Saka or 414 AD was stranded due to a typhoon to Yeh P’ot’i (Kalimantan)
Before 424 according to Chinese sources Buddhism spread in the country of She p’o (Kalimantan) by Gunawarman (from Aswawarman) then to Ho Ling (Java)Source Text of the Dharmagupta Buddhism
Chinese news word Poli Island (Kalimantan) 56 days journey from China to Poli (Kalimantan)
In the Book of Ramayana
Dwipantara or Nusantara consists of Java Dvipa (Java Island), Svarna Dvipa (Sumatra Island), Barhina Dvipa (Kalimantan Island), Sangka Dvipa (Sulawesi Island), Sanga Dvipa (Southeast Island), Bali Dvipa (Bali Island), Java Dvipa died from cramps in Sisirupa maparwata (Island Irian).